- #63 (no title)
- Typography
- (Uzbek) She’riy devoni
- Start-up project “DefitSet”
- Innovational project on creating mobil application “My rights”
- Department of History and Culture of Korea
- (Uzbek) 2-mutaxassislik
- (Uzbek) 5 muhim tashabbus
- General information for applicants
- Instruction for entrants
- Literature
- Life path and work of the litterateur
- (Uzbek) Adib ijodi
- Department of work with academic lyceums and vocational colleges
- Department of Arabic philology
- (Uzbek) Arab tili
- Potential employers
- Abstracts
- Information Resource Center
- Information technology center
- Evaluation system (BA)
- Образовательные направления бакалавриата
- Bank details
- Sporting events
- Tuition fees
- Freshman school
- Defense of graduation qualification works
- General information about graduates
- Contacts
- Accounting Department
- For international students
- Schedule (BA & MA)
- Schedule (BA)
- Schedule (MA)
- State examinations
- National symbols
- State scholarships and grants
- State educational standards
- Information on obtaining a diploma
- Formalization of the doctoral dissertation and dissertation abstracts
- Defense of the doctoral thesis
- Announcements and news
- Electronic journal
- Electronic library
- Email service
- Department of Iranian-Afghan Philology
- Reminder
- Faculties and departments
- Phylosopy
- (Uzbek) Fan dasturlari
- Philology
- Photo
- “Free-vacant” start-up
- (Uzbek) Fuqarolar murojaati monitoringi
- Department of western languages
- Partner organizations
- Reports
- Monitoring the execution of documents
- Department of social sciences
- Admission to the second specialty
- Science-2020
- Scientific journals
- Scientific Councils for the assignment of scientific degrees
- Admission to the doctoral program
- List of journals (HAC)
- (Uzbek) Ilmiy loyihalar arxiv
- Ilmiy loyihalar
- About the department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments
- (Uzbek) Ilmiy-tadqiqotlar, innovatsiyalar va ilmiy-pedagog kadrlar tayyorlash bo’limi
- The list of subjects of entry exams
- List of subjects for entrance exams
- Department of English language
- English language
- Interview
- Talented students
- Economics
- The Department of Economics Theory
- Working education curriculum
- Granted Project World Bank and AIF
- World history
- Department of South and Southeast Asian languages
- Creative journalism exam
- Trade Union Committee
- Collection of questions on entrance exams
- (Uzbek) Kitoblar
- Frequently asked questions
- Scientific and popular articles
- Conferences
- Uzbek-Chinese Institute of Confucius
- Schedule of consultations
- Department of korean history, culture, politics and economy
- Faculty of Korean Studies
- Department of Korean Philology
- Korean language
- Documents no longer in force
- Cultural and educational activities
- Master’s degree department
- Specialties of Master’s degree
- Charter on magistracy
- Online submission of documents for admission to the Master’s degree
- Admission quotas for Masters
- Defense of master’s theses
- List of the themes of master’s theses and supervisors
- (Uzbek) Malaka talablari
- Qualifying exams
- Department of History and Source Studies of the Peoples of Central Asia
- Centers, departments and councils
- Department of Marketing and Labor Market Analysis
- Distance learning system (Moodle)
- (Uzbek) Matbuot xizmati bo’limi
- The Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
- Normative legal acts
- My innovation idea
- My innovational idea
- The Department of Monitoring and Internal Inspection
- HoCAP – Theater Mukimi
- Department of classical philology and literary source studies
- Classical philology
- (Uzbek) O’qishni ko’chirish
- O’qishni o’zgartirish va qayta tiklash
- Educational-methodical department
- The department of uzbek and russian languages
- Monitoring of implementation of the decisions of the Collegium of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Union of Youth of Uzbekistan
- Department of Uzbek language and literature
- Open data
- PR-4680
- Selection committee
- Admission quotas
- Admission monitoring
- Admission results
- (Uzbek) qabulga oid qarorlar (arxiv)
- Qabulga oid qarorlar
- (Uzbek) Qo’shma ta’lim dasturlari bo’yicha qabul imtihonlarining 1-bosqichi
- Planning and Finance Department
- Administration
- List of documents required for admission
- Rolic
- (Uzbek) Romanlar
- Sitemap
- Department Oriental philosophy and Сulture
- (Uzbek) Sharq madaniyati va merosini tadqiq etish ilmiy-tadqiqot markazi
- Department of oriental literature and comparative literary studies
- (Uzbek) Sharq mamlakatlari ijtimoiy-siyosiy tadqiqotlari ilmiy markazi
- (Uzbek) Sharq mamlakatlari iqtisodiyoti kafedrasi
- Department of Economics of Foreign Countries
- Faculty of economics, politics and tourism of the East
- Sharq mamlakatlari siyosati va xalqaro munosabatlar kafedrasi
- Department of History and Contemporary Issues of Eastern Countries
- (Uzbek) Sharq mamlakatlarining rivojlanishini tadqiq etish ilmiy-tahlil markazi
- Oriental manuscripts center
- (Uzbek) Sharq sivilizatsiyasi va tarix fakulteti
- Oriental language exams
- Scientific centre of oriental linguistics
- Rector’s greetings
- (Uzbek) Sharqshunoslik
- Sample contracts
- (Uzbek) Sirtqi bo’lim
- Politica
- Year of maternal and child health
- Statistics
- The amount of scholaraship
- Educational credits
- (Uzbek) Tahririy-nashriyot bo’limi
- Scientific society of students
- Student residences
- History
- (Uzbek) Tarixiy asarlar
- (Uzbek) Tarixiy asarlar
- Department of translation studies and international journalism
- Department of foreign economic activity and tourism
- Rules of test
- Language training center
- Contract amounts
- Academic lyceum under Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
- The trip of Associate Professor of the Department of “South Asian Languages” of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Ph.D. S.Nurmatova to India
- TSIOS announces enrollment to the institute of doctoral studies to the academic year 2019
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qonunlari, Prezident farmonlari, qarorlari va farmoyishlari, Vazirlar Mahkamasi qarorlari va farmoyishlarining bajarilishi monitoringi
- Department of controlling the quality of education in Tashkent State University of Oriental studies
- Department of turkish philology
- (Uzbek) Turkshunoslik fakulteti
- Student admission statistics for three years
- Regulations of the University
- Vacant positions
- Videos
- Virtual reception
- International conferences and events
- Publications of international department
- News of international department
- Department of internetional cooperation
- The Department of International Cooperation
- International Council of Scientists Researching the Life and Work of Ogahiy
- Department of chinese philology
- (Uzbek) Xitoy iqtisodiyoti kafedrasi
- Department of chinese history, culture, politics and economy
- Chines language
- HR Department
- Foreign students
- Women’s committee
- Department of Japanese Philology
- Department of japanese history, culture, politics and economy
- (Uzbek) Yaponshunoslik fakulteti
- (Uzbek) Yo’riqnoma
- Open lectures
- Auxiliary historical sciences
- Council of young scientists
- Yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna
- Normative and legal documents
- Sample Page
Posts by category
- Category: Announcements
- Category: E'tirof
- Category:
- Category: Ilmiy loyihalar
- Category:
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Video materials
- Category: Interactive services
- Category: News
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy bu davlat ila sarfaroz o’lsun” mavzusida adabiy tadbir bo’lib o’tdi
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna” mavzuida Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani o‘tkaziladi
- (Uzbek) Ogahiyning hayoti va ijodi bag‘ishlangan videolavha
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy – yosh koreysshunoslar nigohida” to‘garagi o‘z faoliyatini boshladi
- (Uzbek) “Muhammad Rizo Ogahiy – Sharqning buyuk allomasi” mavzuida ochiq dars bo’lib o’tdi
- (Uzbek) Muhammad Rizo Ogahiy hayoti va ilmiy-ijodiy merosiga doir ma’lumotlar
- (Uzbek) Tarixchi va tarjimon Muhammadrizo Erniyozbek o‘g‘li Ogahiy haqida hujjatli film suratga olinadi
- (Uzbek) Yakuniy nazorat ijodiy imtihon shaklida o‘tkazildi.
- (Uzbek) “Katta adabiyot bayrami” haftaligi
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy merosi – ma’naviyatimiz sarchashmasi
- (Uzbek) Suhbat
- (Uzbek) «Ogahiy ma’rifati yosh sharqshunoslar talqinida» mavzusida ma’rifiy, badiiy tadbir uyushtirildi.
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiyning tarjimonlik faoliyati” nomli ilmiy risola chop etildi
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi bo‘yicha test sinovlari o’tkazildi
- (Uzbek) Xushxabar
- (Uzbek) Xonlar alqagan hassos muarrix-Muhammad Rizo Ogahiy
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna”
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy haykali poyida ochiq dars
- (Uzbek) Xivaga tashrif
- (Uzbek) 📢Sharqdan chorlov‼️
- (Uzbek) Muhammadrizo Ogahiy haqida hujjatli film olinadi
- (Uzbek) “Muhammadrizo Ogahiyni yod olib” maʼnaviy-maʼrifiy tadbiri boʻlib oʻtdi
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna”
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy ma’rifati yosh sharqshunoslar talqinida
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna” mavzuidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani o’tkaziladi
- (Uzbek) Muhammadrizo Ogahiyni yod etib…
- (Uzbek) “Maoniy bog‘ini dono qilur sayr”
- (Uzbek) 📢 Sharqdan chorlov‼️
- (Uzbek) Ogahiyning asarlarini nashr etish masalasida suhbat uyushtiribdi
- (Uzbek) Xorazmdan tuhfa
- (Uzbek) “Keldim bosh ila olg‘ali ta’lim sanga”
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna
- (Uzbek) Davlat Statistika Qo‘mitasi madaniyat muassasalarining asosiy ko‘rsatkichlarini e’lon qildi
- (Uzbek) Xushxabar💥💥💥
- (Uzbek) “Adiblar xiyoboni” internet portali yaratiladi
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy uy-muzeyidan fotolavhalar
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy nomidagi ijod maktabidan fotolavhalar
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiyshunoslar kengashi” ning ta’sis majlisi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
- (Uzbek) “Ogahiy ma’rifati yosh sharqshunoslar talqinida”
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy ijodiy merosi ma’naviy tarbiya asosidir
- (Uzbek) Ogahiy hayoti va ijodi – yoshlar tarbiyasi uchun namuna
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universiteti ijtimoiy tarmoqlardagi rasmiy sahifalar
- (Uzbek) EL ARDOG‘IDA loyihasi
- (Uzbek) Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyining 3D formati yaratildi
- Uzbekistan is able to overcome the pandemic with the lowest losses
- Student’s personal account
- Appointment
- Intellectual game “Xamsa”:
- Nationwide Hashar
- Lecturer at Indian University Jamia Millia Islamia gave a lessonю
- Days of Indonesia
- Orientalists taught at the school.
- The first branch of St. Petersburg State University in the CIS will be established in Tashkent
- Participation in the Conference in India
- International cooperation
- Rector’s scholarship
- Gift from the Cultural Center of India
- Doctoral student of the Tashkent state institute of Oriental studies became a laureate of the Presidential scholarship
- Meeting with students
- Qualification practice in the Navoi Free Economic Zone for oriental students
- Traditional Student Scientific Conference on the topic “Language and Culture of Turkic Speaking Peoples”
- Uzbek Orientalists in Kazakhstan
- (Uzbek) 15-maktabda turk tilidan mahorat darsi
- (Uzbek) Belorussiya strategik tadqiqotlar instituti vakillarining tashrifi
- (Uzbek) 24-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi bilan hamkorlikda o’tkazilgan tadbir
- (Uzbek) Ijarada yashovchi talabalar bilan umumprofilaktik ochiq muloqot
- (Uzbek) Bayramingiz muborak, aziz ustozlar!!!
- (Uzbek) ToshDSHida “Ustoz va murabbiylar kuni” hamda “Talabalikka bag’ishlov”
- (Uzbek) TDSHI Sharq filologiyasi fakulteti professor-o‘qituvchilari va talaba-yoshlari o‘rtasida “O‘zbekiston – millatlararo totuvlik va diniy bag‘rikenglik yurti”mavzusida ma’rifiy uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi
- (Uzbek) O’zR Oliy Majlisi Senatining konferensiyasi ToshDSHIda
- (Uzbek) TTJda yashovchi talaba qizlar bilan maxsus uchrashuv
- (Uzbek) 169-maktabda mahorat darslari
- (Uzbek) Yapon tili o’qituvchilari uchun xalqaro seminar
- (Uzbek) Davlat stipendiyalari sovrindorlari
- (Uzbek) TTJda “Kafedra kunlari”
- (Uzbek) “Biz korrupsiyaga qarshimiz” mavzusida suhbat
- Honorable second place
- (Uzbek) Geologiya muzeyiga tashrif
- (Uzbek) To’lov-kontrakt borasidagi islohotlar
- (Uzbek) “Kitob ulashish” aksiyasi
- (Uzbek) TTJda yashovchi talabalar bilan ochiq muloqot
- Conversation with new students
- (Uzbek) 1-kurs maktabi doirasidagi tashriflar
- Visit of the representatives of Kansai University
- (Uzbek) 1-kurs talabalari uchun maxsus kitob ko’rgazmasi
- (Uzbek) “Xasti-imom” majmuasiga tashrif
- “The best attire for a girl – modesty and good manners”
- (Uzbek) 1-kurs talabalari bilan Adabiyot muzeyiga tashrif
- (Uzbek) Jahonning TOP 1000 taligiga kirgan xorijiy OTMlarda PhD ilmiy darajasiga ega bo’lgan o’qituvchilar ToshDSHIda
- Visit of the representatives of Turkish Embassy
- At TSIOS was given the “start” to the new school year
- Visit of the Japanese “JTB Corporation”
- (Uzbek) An’anaviy o’quv amaliyoti jarayoni
- (Uzbek) Islom Karimov nomidagi yodgorlik majmuasiga tashrif
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti bilan Toshkent shahar Olmazor tumani xalq ta’limi o’rtasida o’zaro hamkorlik bitimi imzolandi
- A seminar on the theme of “People’s diplomacy in the philosophical teachings of Mahatma Gandhi”
- the second stage of entrance examinations in the frame of the “double degree” program
- (Uzbek) Qo’shma ta’lim dasturlari bo’yicha qabul imtihonlarining 1-bosqichi
- TSIOS hosted a meeting between the rector of Aichi Prefectural University of Japan Ms. Kufukihara and literary scholars of the Faculty of Oriental Philology
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bangladesh to Uzbekistan, Masud Mannan, paid an official visit to TSIOS
- (Uzbek) Xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari bilan bakalavr tayyorlash bo’yicha hamkorlikdagi qo’shma ta’lim dasturlari imtihonlari kuni aniq bo’ldi (DOUBLE DEGREE)
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutining 2019/2020 o‘quv yili uchun xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari bilan hamkorlikda qo‘shma ta’lim dasturlari asosisda kadrlar tayyorlash bo‘yicha qabul e’lon qiladi
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti oliy ma’lumotli mutaxassislarni 2019-2020 o‘quv yilida quyidagi ta’lim yo‘nalishlarida 2-ta’lim bo‘yicha tahsil olishga taklif etadi.
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti Axborot-resurs markazida seminar bo’lib o’tdi.
- (Uzbek) Abiturient ruxsatnomasini qanday olish mumkin?
- (Uzbek) TDSHI yangi loyihani qo’lga kiritdi
- A foreign language exam was held in TSIOS
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vaziri hamda Oliy ta’lim muassasalari rektorlarining O‘zbekiston xalqiga murojaati
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutiga abiturentlardan hujjat qabul qilish jarayoni tugadi
- (Uzbek) TDSHI va AICHI Prefekturasi universiteti o‘rtasida kelishuv memorandumi imzolandi
- (Uzbek) Yaponiyaning AICHI universiteti rektorining TDSHIga tashrifi
- (Uzbek) TDSHIda “Bitiruvchi-2019” diplom topshirish marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi
- (Uzbek) Koreya delegatsiyaning TDSHIga tashrifi
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutiga rektor tayinlandi!
- (Uzbek) “Yoshlar kuni” ga bagʼishlangan tadbir
- (Uzbek) TDShIda Afg‘oniston mustaqilligining 100 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan xalqaro ilmiy konferensiya o‘tkazildi
- (Uzbek) Mutolaa madaniyati – ma’naviyat manbai
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston yoshlari umumjahon assotsiatsiyasi raisining institutimizga tashrifi
- (Uzbek) Chempionlar bilan uchrashuv
- (Uzbek) Yoshlar va sport
- Kitobxonlik chegara bilmaydi
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti
- (Uzbek) Hindistonning Mavlono Ozod Milliy Urdu universiteti bilan memorandum imzolandi
- (Uzbek) Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoev tomonidan ilgari surilgan beshta tashabbus ijrosi yuzasidan Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutida davra suhbati oʼtkazildi.
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston, Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti, o‘zbek yoshlarining hayoti Xorijlik mutaxassis nigohida
- (Uzbek) Sayyor darslar doirasida O’zbekiston tarixi davlat muzeyiga tashrif.
- (Uzbek) Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyida sayyor dars o’tkazildi.
- (Uzbek) «Pedagogika va psixologiya» kafedrasi professor-o‘qituvchilarining navbatdagi sayyor dars mashg‘ulotlari
- (Uzbek) “Akademik Siddiq Rajabov o’qishlari” talabalar v an’anaviy respublika Ilmiy-amaliy anjumani
- (Uzbek) Shoislom Shomuhamedov xotirasi yod etildi
- (Uzbek) Inson qadri − ulug‘, xotira − muqaddas!
- (Uzbek) TDSHI o’qituvchi va faol talabalari “9-may Xotira va qadrlash kuni” munosabati bilan II jahon urushi faxriylari holidan xabar oldilar
- (Uzbek) Eron Islom Respublikasi Tashqi aloqalar bo’yicha Kengashi direktori, Ilm-fan va kognitiv texnologiyalar shtabi kotibi Kamol Xarroziy janoblarining Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutiga tashriflari
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutida ochiq eshiklar kuni
- (Uzbek) TDSHIda Abdulla Qodiriy tavalludining 125 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan adabiy-ma’rifiy kecha o’tkazildi
- (Uzbek) TDSHIda iqtidorli talabalarning ilmiy-tadqiqot faoliyatini tashkil etish bo‘limi tomonidan “Innovasion g‘oyalarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash” maqsadida soha mutaxasislari seminar-trening o‘tkazdilar
- (Uzbek) “Koreyashunoslikning dolzarb masalalari” mavzusidagi I talabalar an’anaviy yillik anjumani
- (Uzbek) “Barqaror iqtisodiy o‘sishni ta’minlashning innovasion omillari: xorijiy mamlakatlar tajribasi, imkoniyatlar va istiqbollar” mavzusidagi respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi
- (Uzbek) “Yosh tarjimashunoslar” mavzusidagi talabalar anjumani
- (Uzbek) “Zamonaviy sharq adabiyoti: Janr va uslub masalalari” mavzusidagi talabalar anjumani
- (Uzbek) “Mumtoz filologiya masalalari” mavzusidagi iqtidorli talabalar ilmiy-amaliy anjumani
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston-Koreya iqtisodiy-siyosiy munosabatlarining yangi bosqichi
- (Uzbek) Xitoy Xalq Respublikasi CCTV-4 telekanali “Olisdagi vatan” teleko‘rsatuvida TDSHI tayanch doktoranti bilan suhbati namoyish etildi (video)
- (Uzbek) Sohibqiron Amir Temur haykali poyiga gulchambarlar qo’yildi
- (Uzbek) “Xorijiy mamlakatlar iqtisodiyoti” kafedrasi tomonidan o‘tkazilgan “Yoshlar va ilm-fan” an’anaviy ilmiy-amaliy anjumani
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti Koreyashunoslik fakultetining yangi binosining ochilish marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi
- Republican scientific-practical conference “Lexicology and lexicography in Central Asia: traditions and modern scientific schools”
- Let your each day be Navruz!
- Rector of TSIOS presented books to school No 85 in Shaykhantakhur district of Tashkent
- Inomjon Majidov conducted online communication with students
- Regular Seminar of the Council of Young Scientists
- TSIOS representatives actively participated in the Republican Scientific Conference organized for the first time
- Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies won $140 000 grant financed by the World Bank
- Holiday of beauty and tenderness
- Council of Young Scientists held a regular seminar
- Women’s sport contest “Nafosat-2019”
- Seminar-training “Female leadership”
- Great ancestors: Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Mohammad Bobur.
- Lectures from Professor of Jerusalem University of Israel
- Was held a roundtable dedicated to the promotion of the draft Convention on the Rights of the Youth
- Azamat Ziyo: We must develop oriental studies
- Rikhsieva Gulchekhra Shavkatovna – member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Light memory of the Professor and Literary scholar who was involved in researches on Navoi
- Representatives of TSIOS participated in the opening ceremony of the international conference “Central Asia connectivity: challenges and new opportunity”
- Was held an educational event “Spiritual and educational bases of prevention and combating corruption in educational institutions”
- Literary and artistic evening dedicated to the 578th anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi and the 536th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
- Literary evening “The great image of ancestors is eternal” dedicated to the heritage of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
- Literary and poetic evening dedicated to the anniversary of Mir Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur
- Round table “Сreative heritage of Alisher Navoi through the eyes of world scientists”
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran visited the Academy of Persian Language and Literature
- Lectures and master classes of a scientist from St. Petersburg at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
- Roundtable on “Peace is the highest blessing” and “There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam”
- School № 57 of Nurafshan city of Tashkent region visited the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
- Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies signed a memorandum of cooperation with Saadi Foundation
- The first Seminar of the Council of Young Scientists in 2019
- The Faculty of Eastern Philology held a competition of scientific lectures
- The national army is our pride and support
- The national army is our pride and support
- TSIOS develops partnerships with HEIs of Turkey
- 14th of January – The Day of Defenders of the Motherland
- Lectures by professors of Handong Global University
- Cooperation of TSШOS and Handong Global University
- The annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Oriental Philology “Oriental Studies of Uzbekistan: present and future”
- Lecture dedicated to the Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis (Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
- New Year congratulation of the rector of TSIOS
- 2019 declared as the “Year of Active Investments and Social Development”
- At TSIOS was held an open dialogue
- Event dedicated to the “26th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan”
- New Year was celebrated in the dormitory of TSIOS
- (Uzbek) TDSHI talabasiga poytaxt hokimining tashakkurnomasi topshirildi
- Representatives of TSIOS participated at the annual seminar of experts in higher education (HERE)
- Debate and contest at the faculty of EPFC
- “Reading is the basis of development of innovative ideas in thinking of the youth”
- In Russia, in cooperation with Moscow State University and Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies published a textbook of the Uzbek language
- Representatives of TSIOS took part in the literary evening “Call your garden Motherland”
- Drug addiction – the plague of the 21st century
- World Arabic Language Day
- Pupils of the school №76 at TSUOS
- Professor of TSIOS participated in International conference in Qatar
- “The Rector Cup-2018”
- In the National Academic Drama Theater of Uzbekistan was held a solemn event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Chingiz Aytmatov
- Representatives of TSIOS took part in literary evening
- International recognition
- The youth – Against Corruption
- Round table was held at Secondary School № 3 in Zangiota district
- December 8 – Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Representatives of TSIOS attended ICM annual conference in Tashkent
- Constitution is the guarantee of our rights and freedoms
- Constitution is our main principle
- TF League 4th round results. Tradition continues
- (Uzbek) “Talent show” xayriya konserti o’tkazildi
- “Dean Cup – 2018” of the Faculty of economy and policy of foreign countries
- (Uzbek) Hamkorlik doirasidagi navbatdagi tashrif
- TSIOS students organized charity events
- Representatives of TSIOS took part in the conference “Uzbekistan and South Korea: view into the future”
- Workshop on calligraphy
- TSIOS students participated in memorable evenings
- Teaching staff of the faculty of Oriental Philology held a meeting in the schools of Zangiata District
- The perspectives of cooperation with the Northwest Minzu University of China
- TSIOS in mass media of the Republic of Korea
- TF League 3 rd round. Everest is defeated. Persian tigers got their first points
- An international conference within the framework of the 200th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies under the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Meeting with Rejibo Jan Arthur, Ambassador of Belgium to Uzbekistan with the residence in Moscow
- The success of the student of the Faculty of Korean Studies
- Diplomatic school for students
- Translators Forum of Uzbekistan 2018
- Visit to the school
- Meeting of the students with the representatives of investment company “AZ CAPITAL”
- The practice of opposition to the crime: the problems and achievements
- TSIOS and Shanghai University: cooperation talks
- Exhibition os students
- The Day of National Flag
- TF league
- Congratulation!
- (Uzbek) Turkiy tilli yoshlar mushoirasi
- International conference “Uzbekistan – China: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economical relations”
- TSIOS at school
- Scientific seminar of Young Scientists Council
- Started “TF Football League”
- Success of the students of TSIOS
- Visit to the House Museum of Abdulla Qahhor
- (Uzbek) TDSHI bitiruvchisi Xitoy tili bo‘yicha o‘tgan 13-xalqaro konferensiyada g‘olib bo‘ldi
- Round table at the school №9
- Interethnic consent and religious tolerance – token of peace
- Common Learning Space
- Prof. T.M.Maxamatov gave lectures at TSIOS
- TSIOS signed an agreement with Baltic International Academy
- Meeting with the General Secretary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
- Peace and stability is a great value
- Open lecture
- Master class at TSIOS
- TSIOS signs a whole number of agreements with Korean Universities
- Book fair
- Achievements of students of the Korean Studies
- Director of Korean education centre visited Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
- Students of TSIOS are participating in the Uzbek-Russian Youth Forum
- Evening dedicated to Turkish literature
- Dedication to Students at the Faculty of Korean Studies
- Theatrical evening
- Round table “Development strategy – a guarantee of a prosperous future”
- The first international Muhammad al-Khorezmi Olympiad will be held in Uzbekistan
- Congratulations!
- A roundtable on “Young generation – Creators of the Future”
- Seminar lessons from Professor of International Baltic Academy
- The results of the championship of TSUOS of indoor soccer between combined team
- The Day of Uzbek Language
- The Day of the State Language was celebrated at the Faculty of Economics and Politics of Foreign Countries
- October 21 – the day of the adoption of the Law “On State Language”
- TSIOS signed a number of agreements with several Russian universities
- Competition in table tennis among female students
- Spiritual and educational meeting in TSIOS
- A round-table at school №78
- Uzbek-Russian educational forum to be held in Tashkent
- Congratulations!
- Competition in table tennis among students
- At the institute was organized a round table “E.A. Schmidt – Orientalist scholar”
- Intellectual game “Zakovat” was organized at the institute
- Students of TSIOS took part in the round table
- Students of TSIOS held a seminar in Samarkand
- (Uzbek) “O‘zbekiston yoshlari buzg‘unchi g‘oyalarga qarshi” mavzusida ma’rifiy uchrashuv o‘tkazildi.
- (Uzbek) Shayhontohur tumanidagi 39-sonli maktabda “Kitob ezgu hislatlarni tarbiyalaydi”
- (Uzbek) “Uzekspomarkaz”da bo’lib o’tgan “Ipak yo‘lida turizm” xalqaro ko‘rgazmasidan fotolavhalar
- Meeting of the Scientific Center of Eastern Linguistics of TSIOS
- An event dedicated to the first year students
- Students of TSIOS participated in a memorial evening
- The meeting of Youth Union
- Holiday continues
- Congratulations of the rector with the national holiday of October 1st – Day of teachers and mentors
- (Uzbek) Bayramingiz bilan, aziz ustozlar!
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutida “Kitobxonlik” haftaligi
- Congratulations to the winners of state scholarships!
- International seminar on the theme: “Uzbek-Indian relations: from ancient times to the present.”
- Students of TSIOS participated in an open dialogue
- Holiday concert on Teachers’ Day
- Together against corruption
- Academic cooperation with Belarus
- Election of the leader of Youth Union
- Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov elected chairman of UAFS e
- TSIOS signs an agreement with Sultan Idris Education University
- TSIOS will collaborate with the Shanghai University
- Knowledge day
- Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies visited by Egyptian scientists
- Meeting of scientific council of TSIOS
- Symbol of friendship of Belarus and Uzbekistan
- Entrance examination
- Ambassador of Republic of Korea visits Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
- Towards knowledge: at TSIOS starts entrance examination
- About TSIOS
- Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies visited by Afghan delegation
- Awarding diplomas to the 2018 graduates
- Web conferencing with Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Youth Day
- Competition of candidates for government scholarships
- Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies expand cooperation
- Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies delegation travels to Russia
- Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies welcomes foreign researchers
- (Uzbek) Oliy ta’lim muassasalari o‘rtasida hamkorlik kuchaymoqda
- (Uzbek) Talabalar turar joyida yil sarhisobi
- Round table
- Young Scientists Council
- Young Scientists Council
- Breaking of the law, crime and student
- (Uzbek) Xorijiy Sharq mamlakatlari tarixiy jarayonlari va ularni o‘rganishning dolzarb muammolariga bag‘ishlangan ilmiy anjuman
- Scientific conference “The place and role of small scale business and private enterprise of increasing of food supply: the problem and opportunities”
- Korean Oratory Competition
- Wedding
- The second youth scientific forum of orientalists dedicated to Shoislum Shamukhamedov.
- Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme of: “World politics in the XXI century and the practice of Uzbekistan: political, legal and social aspects”
- Young Scientists Council
- Book Fair
- Meeting with founder of Murad Buildings
- Memory and Honor Day
- Honor, Remembrance & Proud!
- Launching of the book
- Student scientific conference Innovation in Chinese study: ideas, problems, prospects
- School visit
- Young Scientists Council
- Chinghiz Aitmatov. The greatest representative of the world literature.
- Scientific conference
- Meeting of the Rector with the students
- Play of Mind
- Scientific-practical conference “Topical problems of Iranian and Afghan Studies”
- Scientific-practical conference
- Young Scientists Council
- Theatrical evening
- Intellectual game “ZAKOVAT” (cleverness)
- Cooperation agreement
- Grand Opening Ceremony
- Student Theatre Festival
- We are against religion terrorism and extremism
- (Uzbek) Isroillik professorning Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutiga tashrifi
- (Русский) Расширяются сферы сотрудничества
- Wreath-Laying Ceremony – Amir Temur Square
- The ruler of the world
- Museum of Islam Karimov
- Future without crimes
- A meeting with writer
- Young Scientists Council
- Cooperation between universities
- International Day of Nowruz
- Students of TSIOS in “SUCCESSFUL AREA”
- International conference on cultural relations of Uzbekistan and Japan
- An act of charity
- Cooperation among universities
- Job fair
- (Uzbek) “Aziz va muqaddas ayol”
- Symbol of love, beauty, tenderness
- TSIOS visited by academician of Abu Rayhan al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
- Historical heritage of the scientists and thinkers of Uzbekistan
- Parents’ meeting
- Young Scientists Council
- (Uzbek) Axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiyalari sohasini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risidagi Prezident Farmoni qabul qilindi.
- Round table
- 27th Annual speech contest in Japanese
- Academic community holds a meeting
- (Uzbek) Jahon siyosati, tarix v falsafa fakultetida ota-onalar majlisi
- Candid dialog
- Book world
- Meeting with Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- They made history
- The pride of Uzbek – Alisher Navoi
- Round table
- “Muhokamat-ul-lug’atayn”
- Round table
- The meeting of postgraduates of department of the literature of foreign east countries with employers.
- Regular scientific seminar of young scientists’ council
- History and culture of India and Pakistan
- The heart that embraсed the universe
- Tournament in memory of Islam Karimov
- Round table
- Scientific council of the first convocation
- Holiday of courage and firmness
- The Day of the defender of the native land
- Foreign experience of doctoral candidate
- Day of Defender of the Motherland – a holiday of real men
- Meeting of authorities with pedagogical community
- In 8-9th of January, 2018 teaching staff of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was interviewed for determining the level of knowledge of English.
- Academic community holds traditional New Year meeting
- Appeal of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Oliy Majlis
- (Uzbek) Prezident sovg’asi muborak!
- Khiva – The Successor of the Great Era
- City of Famous Shadows
- Appeal of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Oliy Majlis
- Regular scientific seminar of the young scientists
- We will build our great future together with noble and brave people of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Football – Game of Millions
- Football – Game of Millions
- “Overall struggling against human trafficking”
- Narcomania – the plague of the century
- Regular scientific seminar of the young scientists
- Anti-corruption policy
- “Narcomania – is a plague of the century”
- “Religion extremism, terrorism and its negative consequences”
- 9 th of December – International Anti-Corruption Day
- “Narcomania is a plague of the century”
- “Narcomania is a plague of the century”
- “Bravery”
- “Constitution is a safeguard of our rights and freedom”
- Share kindness
- (Uzbek) “Diniy ekstremizm, terrorizm va ularning salbiy oqibatlari” mavzusida soha mutaxassislari ishtirokidagi profilaktik tadbir
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti Sharq filologiyasi fakultetida “Ta’lim muassasalarida korrupsiyani oldini olish va unga qarshi kurashishning ma’naviy-ma’rifiy asoslari” mavzusida soha mutaxassislariishtirokidagi profilaktik tadbir
- “Religious extremism, terrorism and its negative consequences”
- “The Forum of Uzbekistan translators 2017”
- “Candid dialog”
- Regular scientific seminar of the young scientists
- “Overall struggle against human trafficing”
- “Uzbekistan – China: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economical relations”
- “Flag is a national pride”
- “Prevention of breaking law among the youth and fighting against the mass “culture”
- “Increasing efficiency of preventing of breaking law among the young students and observance to the rules of decency and morality”
- “Flag is a national pride”
- “Religious extremism, terrorism and its negative consequences”
- Candid dialog with the students
- (Uzbek) “Ona tili – millat ruhi”
- (Uzbek) “Til – millat ko`zgusi”
- (Uzbek) “Yong‘in xavfsizligini oldini olish choralari” hamda “Yoshlar o‘rtasida huquqbuzarlik va jinoyatchilik masalalari va ularning salbiy oqibatlari” mavzusida tadbir
- (Uzbek) “OIV infeksiyasini oldini olish” mavzusida o‘tkazilgan davra-suhbati
- (Uzbek) Hindshunoslarning xalqaro ilmiy anjumani
- National language holiday of Uzbekistan
- Regular scientific seminar of the young scientists
- (Uzbek) Prezidentimiz asarlarida ustoz va murabbiylarga e`tibor – kelajakka e`tibor masalasi
- (Uzbek) “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Sh.M.Mirziyoyevning BMT Bosh Assambleyasining 72-sessiyasida so‘zlagan nutqlariga munosabatimiz va mamlakatimiz yoshlari oldida turgan vazifalar” mavzusidagi ilmiy-amaliy tadbir
- Seminar on theme “Cooperation in the name of peace and stability”
- The ceremony of dedication to student
- Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was hold election for the post of the leader of Alliance of Youth of Uzbekistan
- Spiritual-enlightenment event on theme “Peace – guaranty prosperity of the nation”
- Regular scientific seminar of the young scientists
- Under the department of the “World policy and international relations” was founded the club of “Young analysts”
- The classes of Memory and Independence at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
- At Tashkent State University was hold holiday event under slogan “Uzbekistan! I will be your devoted”
- (Uzbek) Vatanimiz mustaqilligining 26 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan bayram tantanasi
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Birinchi Prezidenti Islom Karimov haykali ochilish marosimi
- A new scientific electronic magazine has been established
- Presentation of a doctoral dissertation for PhD academic degree
- Regular scientific seminar of young scientists’ council
- (Uzbek) Yosh olimlar Kengashining navbatdagi Ilmiy seminari
- (Uzbek) Yagonasan muqaddas Vatan!
- Seminar on the study of architectural monuments of the Timurid period
- (Uzbek) Yosh olimlar Kengashining navbatdagi Ilmiy seminari
- (Uzbek) Kitob – tafakkur qanotidir
- (Uzbek) O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2017-yil 7-fevraldagi “O‘zbekiston Respublikasini yanada rivojlantirish bo‘yicha Harakatlar strategiyasi to‘g‘risida”gi PF-4947-sonli Farmoni keng jamoatchilik nigohida
- (Uzbek) Yosh olimlar Kengashining navbatdagi Ilmiy seminari
- (Uzbek) Sport – salomatlik garovi
- (Uzbek) “Oliy ta’lim tizimida kadrlar tayyorlash sohasidagi islohotlar” mavzusida matbuot anjumani bo‘lib o‘tdi
- (Uzbek) Qarorlar mazmun-mohiyati puxta o‘rganilmoqda
- (Uzbek) Yosh sharqshunoslarning I forumi materiallarai to’plami nashrdan chiqdi
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik institutida Akademik litseylar o’rtasida o’tkazilayotgan olimpiadadan lavhalar
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqunoslik institutida Yosh olimlar Kengashining navbatdagi Ilmiy seminari
- (Uzbek) “Sog‘lom ayol – sog‘lom avlod” shiori ostida xotin-qizlar o‘rtasida velomarafon bo‘lib o‘tdi
- (Uzbek) Inson xotirasi muqaddasdir
- (Uzbek) Qahramonlik, burch va fidoiylik
- (Uzbek) Xotira bor ekan, tirikdir millat
- (Uzbek) Xotira – elni xalq etguvchi qudrat
- (Uzbek) Ikkinchi Jahon urushi qatnashchilari ziyorati
- (Uzbek) Xonanda Ali Otajonov bilan uchrashuv
- (Uzbek) Yurt fidoyilari xotirasi – qalblarda barhayot
- (Uzbek) Kitob mutolaasi doirasida o‘tkazilgan davra suhbati
- (Uzbek) XXI asrda jahon siyosati va O‘zbekiston tajribasi: siyosiy, huquqiy va ijtimoiy jihatlari
- (Uzbek) Yosh sharqshunoslarning Ubaydulla Karimov nomidagi XIV ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi
- (Uzbek) Sohibqiron Amir Temur tavalludi marosimi
- (Uzbek) “Jahon adabiyoti” jurnalining 20 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan tadbir
- (Uzbek) Sohibqiron Amir Temur – tengsiz azmu shijoat, mardlik va donishmandlik ramzi mavzusida ma’rifiy anjuman
- (Uzbek) Har kunimiz Navro’z bo’lsin!
- (Uzbek) Yosh olimlar Kengashining navbatdagi Ilmiy seminari
- (Uzbek) Dekanlarimizning Navro’z bayrami tabriklari (video)
- (Uzbek) “START-UP” loyihalarini rivojlantirish dasturi taqdimoti
- (Uzbek) Shoir Omon Matchon bilan uchrashuv
- (Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti talabalari umumxalq hasharida ishtirok etdi
- (Uzbek) She’riyat tongining yulduzi
- (Uzbek) Institut rahbariyati ota-onalarni hamkorlikka chorlamoqda
- (Uzbek) “Kitoblar olamiga sayohat” nomli intellektual bellashuv
- Category: Ilmiy faoliyat yangiliklari
- Category: Useful links
- Category: Slides
10.11.2016, 07:56
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