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Department of controlling the quality of education in Tashkent State University of Oriental studies

 DSC_0018 Bultakhov Ikram Yusupovich
Scientific degree and title Candidate of philological studies
Post Head of department
Receptional timetable: Everyday (11:00-13:00)
Tel.: +99871 233 15 56
E-mail:  ikrombultakov@gmail.com

Department of controlling the quality of education in Tashkent State University of Oriental studies

Department of controlling the quality of education in Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (TSUOS) corresponding the 14 point Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministry of Republic of Uzbekistan№515 from 18 June2017 “Organizing the action of state inspecting the quality control of education in the Cabinet of Ministry of Republic ofUzbekistan and involved to the structure of Tashkent state universityof oriental studies.

The main purpose of the department is to study and analyze the knowledge of students according to the state educational standards, monitoring the quality of preparing specialists, organizing inner attestation in the university and according to the results of testing negatively influenced factors are defined and taking necessary measures to avoid such factors.

The department organizes its work according to the Constitution of Republic of Uzbekistan,the Law of Republic of Uzbekistan about education, to the national program of preparing specialists, to the resolutions and instructions of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan, to the Cabinet of Ministry of Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of state inspection and to the rector of Tashkent StateUniversityof Oriental Studies.

The department presents the information about the work procedure, about defined problems to the rector of Tashkent StateUniversityof Oriental Studies and state inspection.


Main functions are followings:

  • analyze the supplying of educational textbooks and methodic grants;
  • discover the quality of educational process in the university, level of supplying with necessary literature;
  • analyze the knowledge of students in Tashkent state university of oriental studies according to state standards;
  • supporting the fulfilling of all tasks that directed to improving the quality of education;
  • monitoring the process of preparing specialists;
  • organizing inner attestation in Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies  and according to the results of testing the factors influence negatively to the quality of teaching and learning are defined, the information about it presents to rector of university;
  • establishing the control over the defined problems and find the solution of these problems in Tashkent state university of oriental studies;
  • observing and monitoring the defined problems;
  • purposing the improvement of the quality the effective usage of modern principles and methods in the process of developing qualification of working-staff;
  • defining the condition of the quality of pedagogical staff in the university, postgraduate education, holding inner monitoring , prepare analytical information and present suggestion to the authority of Tashkent state university of oriental studies   according to defined problems;
  • analyzing basic knowledge of pedagogical staff of the university in subjects they teach, also observe further training of specialists and present the information to rector;
  • carrying out the monitoring of teaching process and research works in the university;
  • analyzing the conditions of technological resource of the working process;
  • organizing the practical course-works of students according to their specialization;
  • being assigned by state inspection participation of it in defining the level of higher educational institute, collecting the information about marking and observing the quality of education;
  • observing the level of knowledge of students;
  • observing social spheres level of working staff is regularly analyzed by students, parents and professor-teachers;
  • improving the proficiency of specialists, observe practice of fond “El-yurt umid”under the President of Republic of Uzbekistan or international projects, also observe the experience of foreign educational centers in order to cooperate with them;
  • joint efforts with the authority of university are led to the increasing the rating of university;
  • cooperating with some definite structures of Tashkent state university of oriental studies to hold seminars and training;
  • creating general expert base in the university and regularly hold master classes;
  • conducting any new ideas , modern techniques to teaching process;
  • presenting information about the results to the Council of Tashkent state university of oriental studies.


  • carries out the action and takes measures to supply correspondence of the quality of state standards in order to increase effectivenessof teaching process;
  • analyze basic education ( knowledge )of professor-teachers in Tashkent state university of oriental studies and presents the information to rector of the university;
  • observes the usage of modern pedagogical techniques in teaching process;
  • observes the organizing of research projects,the participation of professor-teachers in working process;
  • analyze the supplying necessary materials and the usage of it;
  • integrationsof education with production and science. It studies usage of production capacity to create joint scientific and technological solutions and personnel staff of TSUOS;
    • be based on development of advanced technologies in their field , analyses, the professional development of teachers for the implementation of educational process:
    • it analyse educational process of research institutes, enterprises and organizations of foreign countries;
    • it studies the relevance and quality of students’ graduation papers and master dissertation;
  • analyze the training of qualified cadres through the base doctorate, independent research institute of TSUOS;
  • studies the plan of spiritual enlightenment, its content and fulfilment, the involvement of teachers in educational work of TSUOS;
  • it provides the number of teachers and students who use the Information resource centre and usage of important literature;
  • analyze the next stage of graduates’ education or their employment:
  • monitors of effectiveness of learning foreign languages by managers, teachers, staff and students of TSUOS;
  • conducts internal monitoring in order to determine the status and quality of ( faculty, department, lyceum) teacher’s structural unit, submit them Head of the State Inspectorate and rector of TSUOS;
  • it has been set international cooperation with foreign countries in order to attract foreign investment and proposes its development.


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