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On May 20, 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Alley of Writers, created in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after A. Alisher Navoi. Monuments to more than 20 famous poets and writers, such as Babur, Ogakhi, Berdakh, Mukimi, Furkat, Behbudi, Avloni, Chulpan, Kadiri, Tolepbergen, Kaipbergenov, Ibraim Yusupov and Alexander were erected around the statue of Alisher Navoi in a single architectural and artistic composition … The building of the Writers’ Union was also built there.

At the meeting with writers and poets, the creative intelligentsia, they spoke about the attention paid to the development of national literature in recent years and about the next important tasks. Literature is the soul of the people, the mirror of their spirituality. “In today’s complex world, it is necessary to use the influential power of prose and poetry to penetrate the hearts of people, to inspire them for noble goals. We will create all conditions for studying the heritage of our ancestors, creating great literature worthy of our glorious culture”, said the President. Further, in his speech, Shavkat Mirziyoyev put forward the idea of entrusting the tasks of introducing digital-armed modern youth with the works of writers who occupy a worthy place in the history of national literature, as well as the tasks of studying and promoting the work of these writers to higher educational institutions.

The Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies had the honor to be named after Hazrat Ogahiy – a representative of our classical literature, not only a poet, but also a historian, translator, statesman, expert in Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages. Our university is entrusted with the task of studying the life and work of a thinker, scientific research of his manuscripts and propaganda, studying and introducing the immortal ideas of the thinker into the minds of young people.

In this regard, in our university, together with scientists and specialists in the field of classical literature, an action plan was developed to open the Center for the Study of Ogahiy Heritage and Activities, according to which it is planned to organize the activities of this Center in four main directions.

The first direction includes conducting scientific research on the life path and written heritage of Ogahiy.

In this direction, we considered the primary work on the preparation and publication of an expanded descriptive catalog of Ogahiy manuscripts stored in the fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the next stage, we plan to continue working on the Ogahiy manuscripts: to organize and carry out a research project to study and obtain copies of the rarest Ogahiy manuscripts stored in the world’s funds and collections.

We also plan to form a database of new scientific topics in order to analyze and translate Ogahiy’s manuscripts, conduct research work at the level of graduate works, master’s, PhD and doctoral dissertations, and create an electronic database of scientific research devoted to the life and work of Hazrat Ogahiy.

The next direction of the Center’s activities is the implementation of work on the introduction of Ogahiy’s creative and written heritage into the educational process.

In this direction, we have identified the following range of tasks for ourselves: within the framework of the subject “History of Uzbek Literature” for students of the specialties “Classical Philology” and “Literary Source Study and Textology” of the University, special courses will be organized, the purpose of which will be a deep study of Ogakhiy’s work, and also an analysis of the linguistic features of Ogakhiy’s works, the translation of the literary and prose works of the writer into various oriental languages and their publication, the establishment of educational and scientific cooperation with the creative school of Ogakhiy in Khorezm, the organization of independent work, including home reading of the scientific heritage of the older generation of scientists, the subject of research of which was studying the life and work of Ogahiy; and establishing the Ogahiy Scholarship for our talented students.

The third important direction is the work to promote the educational and spiritual ideas of Hazrat Ogahiy.

In this direction, it is planned to conduct various events dedicated to the life and work of Ogahiy, including literary seminars, spiritual and educational evenings, round table talks, organization of open dialogues, meetings, video talks on the official website of the university and in social networks with scientists and researchers of creative heritage of Ogahiy, organization of events with the participation of students – holding competitions for writing the best essay, for the best translation of Ogahiy’s work, for the best research or presentation, the best brochure, encouraging the winners, organizing student visits to the Literary Avenue, holding events at the monument to the great thinker. All events will be organized and controlled by the Ogahiy Heritage and Activities Center. We also plan to create a museum named after Ogahiy at our university. Every year on December 17 – the writer’s birthday – the Republican scientific-practical conference “The life and work of Ogahiy – a model for the education of youth” will be held, which, we hope, will become traditional.

The fourth main direction is activities in cooperation with the media, television and on electronic platforms.

In this direction, we set ourselves such tasks as the opening of a special column on the heritage and work of Ogahiy on the telegram channel of our university “Nur Sharkdan” dedicated to love of books and reading, regular publication in the media of popular science articles about the life, work and heritage of Ogahiy, preparation of cycles TV and radio broadcasts, documentaries on television and radio, dissemination in the form of motivators in social networks of Ogahiy’s ideas calling for humanism and science. Work in the fourth direction will continue as a practical response of the university staff to the President’s proposal to create an Internet portal ” Alley of Writers”, put forward during his visit to the alley.

17.09.2020, 15:46 6005

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