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Youth and science

04.03.2020, 09:44 Conference 2122

The department “Economics of the Middle East” of the faculty “Economics and Politics of Foreign Countries” held a traditional scientific and practical conference of doctoral students, independent researchers, masters and bachelors under the motto  “Youth and Science.” The conference was opened by the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Politics of Foreign Countries

Ch. Khusanov.  Then, the head of the department for work with gifted students ”S. Akhmedova and the head of the department“ Economics of the Middle East ”S. Ermamatov spoke at the conference, who noted that the conference will be a place for exchange of views and demonstration of research skills for young researchers and that this will serve kind of springboard for future scientific work. The conference featured five scientific reports in Russian, English and Uzbek on the economy and politics of foreign countries in the East, as well as the digital economy and its impact on the well- being of the population. As the presentations of the participants focused on interesting and topical topics, many questions were asked, which led to a lively discussion and debate.  Based on the conference materials, more than 50 scientific articles and a collection of theses of young professionals, masters and bachelors were published.

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