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In Russia, in cooperation with Moscow State University and Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies published a textbook of the Uzbek language

19.12.2018, 13:32 News 2727

In December 2018, in Moscow (Russian Federation), publishing house “Prometey”  published a textbook “Uzbek language (textbook based on practical translation of texts)”, which was written by the head of department of translation study of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies Khayrulla Hamidov and leading scientists of the Institute of Asia and Africa of Moscow State University Prof. Toir Mahamatov and Associate Professor Tanem Loseva-Bakhtiarova.

The book was edited by the Head of the Department of Central Asia and the Caucasus of Moscow State University Prof. Y.S. Sizdikov, the reviewers were the head of the Oriental Languages Department of the Russian Academy of Foreign Affairs A.A. Mozloev. and associate professor of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, associate professor G.Sh.Rikhsieva.

This book is intended for students for studying Uzbek language in sphere of philology and translation studies in the universities of Russian Federation and Republic of Uzbekistan. It is based on a synthesis of the methods and stylistics of teaching of oriental languages by leading scientists of Institute of Asia and Africa of Moscow State University, the Russian Academy of Diplomacy and the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.

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