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The Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Academic rank and degrees: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Every mondays (13:30)
Tel.: +99871 252 65 79
E-mail:  kadirkulovbj@gmail.com

History of the department

Since the establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies in September 1992, the department “Higher Mathematics and Informatics” was established within the Department of Physics and Mathematics. This chair was started by the doctor of physics and mathematics, Yugay LP. Initially, this department was staffed by such teachers as Yugay LP, Zhalilov A., Umarov A., Imam T.

Since 2000 the department was divided into 2 parts – “Higher Mathematics” and “Informatics”. The Department of Informatics started its work in a new composition. In this department, Abidov A., Pulatov A., Kodirova N., Razakova D., Ergashova N., Malsheva L., Normatov R. began working on this department on September 28, 2005, on the orders of the head of the institute K / 01-72 on the basis of the departments “Natural science “,” Higher Mathematics “and” Informatics “the department” Natural sciences, higher mathematics, computer science “was founded.

This department was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences Usmanov G.Yu. 2008, on the basis of the Department of “Natural Sciences, Higher Mathematics, the Department of Informatics”, the department “Mathematics and Informatics” was established and headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kodirkulov B.Zh. 2013 – 2017 the chair was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nasirov KE Since 2015 the name of the department has been called “Mathematics and Information Technology”. At present the chair is headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kodirkulov B.Zh. The department consists of 6 teachers. There are 1 candidates of sciences and 1 doctor of sciences.

The list of subjects taught at the department is as follows:

  1. Mathematics for economists.
  2. Economic mathematics.
  3. ICT in language education.
  4. Information technology in the economy.
  5. Information technology in philosophy and culture.
  6. Information technology and historical information.
  7. Fundamentals of Econometrics
  8. Mathematical modeling (for policy directions)

Teaching staff of the department:

  1. Kadyrkulov Bahtier Jalilovich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  2. Jalilov Abduvozik Abdurahimovich – the senior teacher
  3.  Mamajanov Raxmatilla Yakubjanovich – candidate of technical sciences
  4. Radjabov Turakul Jurakulovich – the senior teacher
  5. Salikhova Venera Karimdjanovna – teacher
  6. Hikmatov Nodir Nazimjanovich – teacher
  7. Mirraximovva Dinara Aklidjanovna – teacher

The department cooperates with the University of Communications and the University of Sultan Kobus of the Sultanate of Oman

Scientific direction of teachers of the department

  1. Kadyrkulov B.J. – Methods for solving differential equations of fractional order
  2. Xikmatov N.N. – Issues of the use of modern information technologies in development of blending learning.



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