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Department of Iranian-Afghan Philology

 32 Mirzakhmedova Khulkar Vasilovna
Scientific degree and title: PhD (philology)
Position: Head of the chair
Reception hours: everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99899 832 10 61
E-mail:   xulkar1061@mail.ru

Brief History of the Department of Iranian-Afghan Philology

The study of Iranian languages (Persian, Dari, Pashto, Tajik), literary and historical sources, created in these languages, have a long history. The history of modern Iranistics was founded in 1918. During this period, the group of intellectuals of Uzbekistan founded the “National University”, whose goal is to educate new generations in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages by restoring our ancient traditions.

However, it is unknown to the orientalist-ironist that prior to 1944, scientific or educational-methodical activity is conducted. In 1944, the extensive scientific and educational activities of the department of Iranian philology began.

In August 1944 the Oriental faculty was restored at the Central Asian University. A group of Eastern scholars who moved from Moscow and Leningrad to Tashkent because of the war, including A.P. Barannikov, A.K. Borovkov, E.E. Bertels, I.P. Petrushevsky, K.A. Antonova, N.D. Miklouho-Maclay and others began their work. In 1944 he was appointed dean of the faculty AH Khamroev. The first in this faculty was the chair of Iranian philology under the leadership of E.E. Bertels. In 1947 the faculty had 4 chairs, and the head of the department of Iranian-Afghan philology (since 1955) was AK Arendess. The department was taught by A.G. Hasanbekov, N.F. Levski, S. Mirzaev, B.Z. Xolidov, R.U. Umarov is also the native speakers of the Iranian language A. Tabatababa (Ustwur), Hamidi Eftihor, Halatbari, Rustamia, KA. Shidfar.

From the graduates of the first Iranian-Afghan philology of this period Academicians R. Kh. Aminova MB. Baratov, U. Karimov, A.P. Kayumov, A. Rustamov, Professor Sh.I. Shomukhamedov A.G. Ganiev A.M. Mannonov M.S. Imomnazarov, A. Kuronbekov, S. Ganiev, Associate Professor N.A. Mukhamedova, Z.A. Umarov devoted his life to oriental studies and became famous scientists in Uzbekistan.

From 1960 to 1979 he was head of the department of Sh.M. Shomukhamedov and A.G. Ganiev.

In 1979, the Afghan-Afghan Department of Philology was divided into two separate sections of Iranian philology and Afghan philology. During these years the head of the department of Iranian philology became Z.A. Umarov, A.E. Khazratkulov, A.K. Ismailov, and the head of the department of Afghan philology became A.M. Mannonov. In 1991 these two chairs were reorganized and the Chairs of the Iranian-Afghan Philology were established, and A.Kuronbekov was appointed the head of the department. From 2012 to 2017, the head of the department was H. Alimova, from 2017 to the present, the PhD of H.Mirzakhmedova is responsible for the scientific and educational activities of the department of Iranian-Afghan philology.

Educational and methodical work. After the establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies on July 15, 1991, a number of important tasks were posed before the chair of Iranian-Afghan philology.

Most importantly, the training of highly qualified cadres of our independent republic is able to study the ancient sources of our spiritual and cultural heritage in Turkic, Arabic, Persian and other languages that meet world standards that meet the requirements of political, economic, cultural relations of our republic with foreign countries. To implement these tasks, new model curricula, curricula and curricula were revised and developed.

The upcoming tasks are the creation of new textbooks and textbooks and provide students with additional literature and resources.

At the present time in the department there are Doctor of Philology, Professor A. Kuronbekov, Doctor of Philology, Professor A.M. Mannonov, Doctor of Philology, Professor R. Inomkhodzhaev, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor X.Z. Alimova, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor D.R. Ahmedova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor A.A. Vokhidov, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor D.A. Azimdjanova, PhD, Associate Professor X.Mirzakhmedova, senior lecturers S.M. Umarova, Yo.S. Khodzhakulov, M.R. Khabibova, S.I. Shomourodova, lecturers F.E. Saidazizova, N.T. Xodiyeva, N.N. Nuriddinov, A.I. Nishanbayeva, S.U. Sultanxodjayeva,  M.S. Kalandarov, Z.T. Arifdjanov, O.A. Mamatqulov, B.F. Djafarov, H.I. Inomiddinov, G.A. Kurbanova, M.A. Valiyeva, J.I. Ismatov, N.G‘. Ibragimova and Iranian lecturer M.Asloniy.

At the present time, the department focuses not only on the training of specialists with Persian, Dari and Pashto knowledge languages that can translate from foreign languages into their native language and vice versa, freely express their opinions, but also has extensive theoretical knowledge and will be able to explore the rich literature, history, linguistics, epic and other sources created by our ancestors, and contribute to the development of modern linguistics and literary criticism.

For this purpose, recent years have introduced special courses aimed at deepening theoretical knowledge of the language, including theoretical grammar, lexicology, vocabulary, comparative grammatical language at the bachelor’s level, as well as modern language, middle and classical Persian language, methodology, theoretical specialty questions and other special courses at the master’s level.

During the last years lecture texts and their electronic versions in all subjects of bachelor and master’s degree, as well as textbooks and teaching aids on basic subjects have been prepared in the department. In particular, textbooks (in Uzbek) of the Persian language for first-year students in 2006 and for second-year students in 2009 were published. The textbook “Persian language (in Russian)” was published in 2012, the textbook “Persian language” was published in 2013 in collaboration with teachers of several universities – H.Mahamadaliev (from UzGUM), H.Alimova (from TGIV) and G.Agzamova (from the TIA). And also, In 2018, X.Z. Alimova, Yo.S. Khojakulov and G.A. Kurbanova’s “Dari language” and A.I. Nishanbayeva, D.S. Karimov and M.S. Kalandarov’s textbooks “Persian language”, in 2019 H.Z. Alimova and Yo.S. Textbook “Dari language” co-authored by Khojakulov, A.M. Mannonov and S.Yu. Karabaev’s textbook “Pashto language”, S.M. Umarova’s textbook “Dari language”, A. Quronbekov and S.I. Shomurodova co-authored a textbook “Persian language (for high school students)” and other textbooks. In addition to textbooks, members of the department have published a number of textbooks, including X.Z. Alimova’s Comparative Grammar of Dari and Uzbek Languages (2002) and Dari Language (Morphology) (2008), D.A. Azimdjanova’s “Comparative Grammar of Persian and Uzbek Languages” (2008), N.T. Khodiyeva’s Collection of Exercises in Persian (2010), H.V. Mirzakhmedova’s “Persian language (phrases and simple sentence syntax)” (2019), A. Quronbekov and N.N. Nuriddinov’s “Lexicology of the Persian Language” (2019), A.I. Nishanbayeva’s textbook “Introduction to Iranian Philology (Persian, Dari, Pashto)” (2019) and others. From the work of members of the department, Z.F. Normatov’s “English-Pashto Dictionary” (2009), A. Kuronbekov’s “Dictionary of Persian-Uzbek and Uzbek-Persian Linguistic Terms” (2015) and similar works

Recently, a number of positive results have been achieved in the introduction of new pedagogical and educational technologies at the department, raising the level of education in accordance with international standards. The department developed a teaching tool “Using interactive methods in the learning process”, educational technologies in all disciplines, their rating evaluation, test questions and evaluation criteria.

The department has achieved a number of positive results in the introduction of new pedagogical educational technologies and raising the level of education to the level of international standards. The department has developed a textbook “The use of interactive methods in education”, educational technologies in all disciplines, ranking, test questions and assessment criteria.

In addition, the library has a library equipped with unique dictionaries, textbooks, art and scientific literature, which stores about 2000 volumes of books in foreign languages, which allows students to independently study and effectively work on their master’s and doctoral dissertations.

Direction of the department – bachelor’s degree

  • 5120100 – Philology and Teaching of Languages

Specialties magistracy

  • 5A120102 – Linguistics (Persian, Dari and Pashto)


Teaching disciplines at the department

Bachelor degree:

  1. Oriental languages (Persian, Dari and Pashto languages)
  2. Additional Oriental language (Persian, Dari and Pashto)
  3. Phonetic system of the main Oriental languages (Persian, Dari and Pashto)
  4. Introduction to the specialty (Persian linguistics, linguistics of the Dari language and linguistics of the Pashto language)
  5. Introduction to the philology of the main study language (Persian, Dari and Pashto)
  6. Basic language lexicology (Persian, Dari and Pashto language)
  7. Methods of teaching the language and educational technology (Persian, Dari and Pashto languages)
  8. Comparative grammar of Persian (Dari / Pashtun) and Uzbek (Russian) languages.
  9. Elements of the Arabic language in the Pashto language
  10. Theoretical grammar of the main Oriental language (Persian, Dari and Pashto)
  11. Lexicology (Persian, Dari and Pashto)

In the magistracy:

  1. Analysis of literatures in a foreign language (Persian, Dari and Pashto languages)
  2. Theoretical aspects of the specialty (Persian, Dari and Pashto)
  3. Theoretical issues of specialization
  4. Language situation in the country of study (Iran, Afghanistan)
  5. History of languages (classical Persian)
  6. Current trends in linguistics
  7. Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation
  8. Stylistics of the Persian language (Dari and Pashto languages)
  9. Analysis of scientific and literary texts

Professors and teachers of the department:

  1. Mirzaxmedova Xulkar – Philosophy of Doctor, Associate Professor
  2. Kuronbekov Akhmadkul – Doctor of Philology, Professor
  3. Inohodkhoev Rahmonhonya – Doctor of Philology, Professor
  4. Mannonov Abdurahim – Doctor of Philology, Professor
  5. Alimov Xolida –Doctor of Science, Associate Professor
  6. Ahmedova Dilfuza–Doctor of Science, Associate Professor
  7. Vakhidov Avazbek – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
  8. Azimdjanova Dinara –  Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
  9. Umarova Saodat – Senior Teacher
  10. Shomurodova Sevara – Senior Teacher
  11. Khodzhakulov Yosif – senior teacher
  12. Habibova Mukhabbat – Senior Teacher
  13. Khodieva Nozima – teacher
  14. Asloniy Muhammad Rizo– teacher
  15. Nishanbayeva Aziza – teacher
  16. Nuriddinov Nodir – teacher
  17. Kalandarov Mirzazhan – teacher
  18. Mamatkulov Oybek – teacher
  19. Jafarov Bekzod – teacher
  20. Inomiddinov Khusniddin – teacher
  21. Saidazizova Feruza – teacher
  22. Sultonxodjayeva Saida – teacher
  23. Valiyeva Muqaddas – teacher
  24. Ismatov Jonibek– teacher
  25. Ibragimova Nazokat – assistant of cabinet

Partner organizations of the department:

  1. Yunusabad academic lyceum under Tashkent State Medical Institute
  2. Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  3. Tashkent Higher Military Command School
  4. Chirchik Higher Tank Command-Engineering School
  5. Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

International relationships. The department cooperates with educational and scientific centers abroad, in particular, partnerships have been established with the Tehran University of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Institute of Asian and African Studies in Moscow, the Center for Oriental Languages and Culture of the Sofia University named after Clement of Oxrid and several universities in our country.

Scientific directions of the department:

  1. Eastern theory and practice: historical periods, the construction of a dictionary and modern dictionaries.
  2. Terminology of Persian and Dari language: historical processes, problems of formation and development of modern scientific and technical terminology.
  3. Study of foreign languages and theoretical questions of linguistics.
  4. Modern language situation in Iran and Afghanistan: literary language and dialects; stylistics; globalism and interaction.
  5. Semantics and semasiology of Persian and Dari language.

Members of the department make a significant contribution to fundamental and applied research. In particular, prof. AM Mannonov is the head of the draft grant project “Formation of a Culture of Religious Tolerance among Youth …”, and A.Kuronbekov and A.Vokhidov participated in the project “Linguistic Poetics of Sufism” and are co-authors of the collections of scientific articles “Linguistics of Sufism Literature” (2010), collective monograph “Fiction and Symbols of Sufism” (2010). The research project “Hamsa” frequency dictionaries by A. Navai, which is a logical continuation of the scientific project F-1-135 “Scientific and methodical study of concordances of Alisher Navoi’s works” headed by A. Kuronbekov, is functioning at the department. In 2012, the project published concordances of epic works by Hamsa by Alisher Navoi (in 5 volumes) and frequency dictionaries (in 6 volumes). In addition, within the framework of the project “Lexicographic studies of bilingual dictionaries in Oriental languages” several articles and articles were published.

A number of events are held every year, in particular, in 2006 the international scientific conference “Modern Iranian Literature”; an international scientific conference on the 800th anniversary of Mevlana Jalaleddin Rumi “Eternal heritage of Jalaliddin Rumi”; On November 7, 2009, a memorial conference was held dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Abdukhafiz Ganiev, a professor at the Department of Iranian-Afghan Philology; in 2010 the Scientific and Practical Conference “Lexicology of the Iranian Languages”; In 2013 and in 2016, the republican scientific and practical conference “Central Asian lexicography: traditions and modern schools of science” was published in the conference proceedings.

The forthcoming tasks of the members of the department are huge – the preparation of a new generation of textbooks and teaching aids in all disciplines taught by the bachelor and master’s degrees and the creation of their multimedia version. Improving the quality of scientific research to a higher level is one of the key tasks that are currently being tried by most faculty members of the department, as well as young doctoral students and independent researchers as unique researchers in this field.

Photos from the life of Department




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