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Days of Indonesia

14.03.2020, 10:52 News 2075

Tashkent State University hosted the 2nd stage of the “Days of Indonesia” event, which was organized jointly with the Embassy of Indonesia in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A delegation of representatives of the Embassy of Indonesia in Uzbekistan, led by Ambassador of Indonesia in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sunaryo Kartadinata, took part in this event. The event was attended by leaders, professors, researchers, graduate students and students of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. After the official part students performed, on the stage of the TSIOS assembly hall, Indonesian folk songs and dances and a demonstration of Indonesian national clothes. And then there was a competition for knowledge of the Indonesian language between students. The cultural program prepared by students aroused great interest among the guests; they listened with pleasure to national songs and watched national dances performed by students of TSIOS.

The winners of the competition for knowledge of the Indonesian language were awarded with gifts and valuable prizes by the rector of TSIOS, G.Rikhsieva and Mr. Ambassador Sunaryo Kartadinata. Participants of the competition were awarded with certificates of honor. The rector of TSIOS in her speech noted the rapidly developing and strengthening multilateral ties of our country with the Republic of Indonesia, she also expressed hope for the further development and deepening of cooperation of TSIOS with educational institutions of Indonesia in the field of education, in particular the exchange of students and teachers.

At the end of the event, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia in the Republic of Uzbekistan,Sunaryo Kartadinata made a speech in which he expressed his gratitude and noted the strengthening of the ties of cooperation of TSIOS with the relevant organizations of Indonesia.


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