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“Uzbekistan – China: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economical relations”

15.11.2017, 00:19 Conference 3884

We invite you to the international scientific practical conference on theme “Uzbekistan – China: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economical relations” which holds according to the decree under №126-ф of 13th of January, 2017 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The conference will take place in 18th of November, 2017 at 10:00 o’clock at hall “Silk Way” Wyndham Tashkent Hotel which is situated Amir Temur street, Ц-4, 7/8.
Telephone: 236-16-93, 233-13-00, +99897 333-58-25, +99890 319-31-37


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