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The international conference “Afghanistan at the crossroads of the 20th and 21st centuries: historical, socio-economic, political aspects and cooperation with the countries of Central Asia” Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies

19.06.2019, 16:09 Announcements 2464

June 21, 2019 at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, in cooperation with “Uzbekistan-Afghanistan Friendship Society” is held an international conference “Afghanistan at the crossroads of the 20th and 21st centuries: historical, socio-economic, political aspects and cooperation with the countries of Central Asia”. This conference is dedicated to the celebration of the centenary of Afghanistan’s Independence Day.

The main purpose of the conference is a scientific analysis of the social, historical and cultural aspects of the development of Afghanistan over the past forty years. Scientists from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, USA, the Netherlands, Sweden, as well as representatives of embassies of other countries are participating at the international conference. The reports are devoted to the scientific analysis of the issues of linguistic culture, literature and social and cultural development in Afghanistan. Special attention is paid to the relationship of Afghanistan with the countries of Central Asia in the cultural, political, trade and economic spheres, as well as the role and place of Uzbekistan in this process.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has significantly expanded bilateral cooperation with Afghanistan, has actively joined the dialogue on resolving the Afghan problem and making a contribution to restoring the Afghan economy, developing close trade and economic ties, transport and communication systems. Were held repeated meetings between the President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev and the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani. The delegate exchange between the economic departments of the two countries has noticeably intensified.

A strategic role played the international conference “Central Asia: one past and common future, cooperation for sustainable development and mutual prosperity” held in 2017.

Must be noted that, Uzbekistan began to train specialists from Afghanistan. Furthermore, an important event was the establishment of the post of Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Afghanistan. The development of mechanisms for public diplomacy, cultural and humanitarian ties, and contacts between ordinary citizens of Uzbekistan and foreign states is receiving a noticeable impulse.

Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies has long been preparing specialists in Afghan linguistics, history and culture. The department is staffed by highly qualified teachers. In particular, the department has three professors, two candidates of science, relevant classes are being conducted, and research work is being carried out on Afghanistan.

Following the results of the international conference, it is planned to adopt a joint communique by the participants of the event.

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