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Constitution is the guarantee of our rights and freedoms

05.12.2018, 17:16 News 3555

Uzbekistan solemnly proclaiming  faithfulness to human rights and state sovereignty, recognizing the high responsibility of present and future generations, relying on the historical experience of the development of the Uzbek statehood, demonstrating the faithfulness to democratic and social justice, recognizing the superiority of universal principles, aspiration to ensure a worthy life for the citizens of the Republic, for the purpose of creating a democratic state and ensuring peace and national security nearly 26 years ago on 8th of December 1992, adopted  the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Constitution, which strengthens independence, establishes the human and its rights as a supreme value, expresses the will and desires of our people, it serves more than 26 years as the main principles of our state in governing of society, ensuring citizens’ rights and freedoms, making changes in every aspect of the economy, serves as the basis for reforms.

On 5th of December 2018, at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was held a spiritual-enlightenment event “Constitution – is the Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms” dedicated to the 26th Anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At event took part Prof. Feruza Mukhitdinova, representative of Ministry of Justice Ramziddin Mamatkarimovich, Head of “Xalq qabulxonasi” of Mirobod District Said Juraev, administration of the institute, professors and students.

The event was opened by the Rector of the institute, prof. A.Mannonov. He congratulated everyone on the celebration of the public holiday, the 26th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The speakers of the event emphasized the essence, vitality of the Constitution as the main basis of the reforms and changes which are implemented in our country. In the Constitution the rights, freedoms, honor and dignity of the people are recognized as the highest value, ensured the superiority of the interests of the people over state interests, stated the principle of political pluralism and the people are recognized as the source of power. The constitution is the main basis for building democratic country and strong civil society. It was noted the process of adopting the Constitution and were highly appreciated the works of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov as the founder of the Constitution.

Nowadays the great changes and reforms in various spheres, which take place in our country  are changing the life to our people. In accordance with the constitutional principles and regulations works Public acceptance offices, were launched collective reference portal “My opinion” and was created the platform for the discussion of draft legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In basis of these embody the principle of serving of state organs to the people. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: “The Constitution – is the result of the political and legal thought of our people, as a unique embodiment of our centuries-old values is the main basis of our progress and development.

In the second part of the event were given diplomas to the winners of State scholarships in this academic year. The students of the Faculty of economy and policy of foreign countries: Master’s degree student Ashurova Elmira – the winner of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the 2018-2019 academic year, 4th year student Juravoyeva Maftuna – the winner of the Navoi State Scholarship for 2018-2019 academic year and Abduraimov Qudratjon – the winner of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov in 2018-2019 academic year were awarded withn diplomas and memorial gifts. The event was followed by beautiful songs, dances and performances.

Congratulations to all of you on the 26th anniversary of  the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

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