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Union of Youth of Uzbekistan

 12333333 Khabibullayev Zokirjon Murodilla ogli
Post: Leader of the Youth Union of TSUOS
Reception hour: Every day (09:00-13:00)
Tel.: +99899 484-50-25
E-mail: zkhabibullayev@gmail.com

Goals and objectives of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan

As a non-profit organization uniting the younger generation, the Youth Union sets itself the following goals: the upbringing of a physically healthy, spiritually mature and intellectually advanced generation able to think independently, protect young people from the harmful effects of the outside world and “mass culture”, and all possible assistance to individuals in the protection of their rights and obligations, to create for them all the necessary conditions.

The main goal of the Youth Union is to deepen the democratic, political and economic reforms of the youth, to strengthen peace and harmony in society, to involve the younger generation in active participation in the process of Uzbekistan’s accession to the number of developed countries of the world, as well as to ensure effective protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the younger generation, the raising of the moral and professional level of young people, as well as assistance in the disclosure of their intellectual and creative potential.

The main tasks of the Youth Union are:

  • the formation of competent, independent thinkers, regardless of social status and religion, occupying a worthy place in society, capable of reforming the country, possessing the decisive force in the process of updating young people, increasing their political culture and legal literacy;
  • education of spirituality and patriotism, national pride and self-awareness, a sense of respect for historical and military, as well as national and universal values;
  • protection of rights and legitimate interests of young people, support of their aspirations for modern professions, involving them in entrepreneurial activities;
  • support of talented young people, creation of conditions for improving their creative and intellectual potential, involving them in research and development activities;
  • involving young people, in particular unorganized young people, in a healthy lifestyle, attention to the environment, culture, physical fitness and sports;
  • protecting young people from religious extremist organizations and other similar groups, protecting them from the effects of threats hidden under the guise of “mass culture.

Members of the “INSTITUTE CHAIR” of the TSIOS Youth Union initial organization:

Head of the Youth Union of the Institute – Saidjahonov Timur.
First Deputy Chairman of the Youth Union of the Institute – Abduraimov Kudrat.
Assistant Director of the Youth Union of the Institute – Abdusalomov Rakhmatilla
Youth Media Coordinators – Mamasatatov Elyor & Kuchkarova Zarina.
Spiritual and educational work coordinators – Salimov Shohruh, Abduvahobova Madina & Abdurahmanova Maftuna.
Educational Coordinators – Sultonov Begzod and Ergashova Farangiz.
Information Analyzer and Human Resource Coordinator – Abdullayev Shahzod & Djumayeva Sitora.
Project Coordinators for Transport and Health, Ecological Projects. – Yodgoraliyev Husniddin & Tenelov Amir, Karimova Malika.
Coordinators of the work with the students who have completed the long-term military service – Muhammadiyev Javohir & Yoriyev Shohruh.
Coordinators of Talented Students’ Department – Ahmedov Farruh & Buriyeva Asal.
Coordinators of ICT projects department – Boymuratov Javlon & Erkinova Ogiloy, Alimova Feruza.
Coordinators for work with socially vulnerable and disabled students – Yunuskhonov Sanjar and Gulyamova Ziyoda.
Coordinators of the department of the initiative and projects – Badalov Javohir and Mamasaidova Dilfuza
Coordinators of the Department of Youth Entrepreneurship Projects – Irgashev Sanjarbek & Ametova Aziza.
Leading Women’s Association Coordinators – Norbutaeva Nodira & Sunnatova Barno
Tourism Coordinators – Nafasov Jahonshoh & Takhirov Abbos, Akhmedova Victoria.

01.07.2020, 17:56 8612

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