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Department of Arabic philology

shomusarov-sh Shomusarov Shorustam Giyosovich
Scientific degree and title: Doctor of philology, professor
Post: Head of the chair
Reception hour: everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99890 907 00 57
E-mail: sharq_adabiyoti@mail.ru


History of department

During the past years scientific potential of department had risen and the method of the teaching was improved. During that period such a kind of great specialties of Arab language like B.Shustev, candidate of philology, associatSodiq domla Mirzayev, orientalist B.Z.Holidov, academician U.Karimov, doctor of philology, professor A.Irisov, professor E.Talabov, doctor of historical science, professor Hasanov, professor T.A.Muhtarov, professor Z.T.Oripov, professor U.M.Uvatov, doctor of philology R.U.Xojayeva, doctor of philology, professor Z,Islomov, doctor of philology, professor Sh.Shomusarov, candidat of philology, associated professor I.Musayev, candidate of philology, associated professor I.M.Hakimov, candidate of philology, associate professor A.G.Raufova, candidate of philology, associated professor IG.Fateyeva, candidate of philology, associate professor G.M.Toshmuhamedova, candidate of philology, associate professor M.N.Toshqo’ziyev, candidate of philology, associate professor A.U.Karimov, candidate of philology, associate professor N.P.Ashixmina, candidate of philology, associate professor M.X.Akbarova, candidate of philology, associate professor Q.Nosirova, candidate of philology, associate professor O’.Z.Qoriev, candidate of philology, associate professor T.Sh.Qodirov, candidate of philology, associate professor A.B.Abdullayev, candidate of philology, associate professor A.Kahorov, B.Ibrahimov played important role.

During independence period in front of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies were assigned completely new tasks and aims. First of all were given the task to orientalists and researchers to learn and restoration of our spiritual treasures and to inform the population. Second task is to train orientalists which could know well the language and cultural social life, economical-political processes, traditions, customs of neighboring Easter countries and to translate the legal and economical documents between the states. Third task was all teaching subjects should be based on ideology of independence, textbooks in state language and preparing and publication of the textbooks.

Bachelor degree of the Department

  • 5120100

Master degree of the Department

  • 5A120102 – Linguisics

The subjects of the Department:

Bachelor degree:

1. The main studying language (Arab)
2. Additional oriental language
3. Entering to the specialty
4. Calligraphy
5. Entering to Arab philology
6. Lexicology of Arab language
7. The method of teaching of Arab language and modern technology
8. Translation of Arab literary texts
9. Comparative grammar of Arab and Uzbek (Russian) languages.
10. The theory of Arab language grammar
11. Translation of philosophical texts and practice

Master degree:

1. The theory of specialty
2. The problem of reading and interpretation of the text in foreign language
3. The language condition of the learning country
4. The history of Arab language
5. The history of Arab language study

Teachers-professors of department:

1. Shomusarov Shorustam G’iyosovich – doctor of philology, professor
2. Aripov Shavkat Ilhamovich – senior teacher
3. Nosirova Malika Anvarova – candidate of philology, associated professor
4. Begamtova Buzahro Ma’rufjanovna – candidate of law, associated professor
5. Orifxo’jayev Nosirxo’ja Marufjanovich – senior teacher
6. Usmanova Malika Xaydarovna – senior teacher
7. Mutalova Gulnora Sattarovna – senior teacher
8. Zaynutdinova Shirin Ergashevna – senior teacher
9. Qosimova Sarvinoz Sadulayevna – senior teacher
10. Mirziyotev Shuxrat Mirgiyazovich – senior teacher
11. Rustamov Abdulaziz Ergashevich – teacher
12. Yakubova Feruza Rashidovna – teacher
13. Umarova Nodira Isamatovna – techer

Organizations with which collaborate the department

1. Olmazor academic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
2. Yunusabod acadmic lyceum under Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
3. The centre of oriental manuscripts under Tashkent State University of Orienatl Studies

International relations of department

  1. Al-Azhar and Qohira Universities in Egypt.


Publications of teachers-professors of department

The samples of scientific methodological works of 2012-2016 of Arab philology department:

1. Professor Shomusarov.Sh.G «Слово о фольклоре» Tashkent-2016; «Учитесь учиться» (Textbook) Tashkent-2016
2. Associated professor Nosirova.M.A. “Gap sintaksisi” (from the view point of Arab philologists) – T.TIU.2014. (coauthor A.Qahhorov); «Языковая ситуация в арабских странах» (at the end of XX century) – (coauthor Fateyeva) – T.TDShI.2012; “Tilshunoslik bilimlari tarixi” (Arab linguistic) – T.TDShI 2012
3. Usmonova.N.X. “Arab tilidan o’quv qo’llanma” for third course. Re publication
4. Associated professor Begmatova.B.M. “Arab tili” (the textbook for students of 2-3 courses) – T.2013; “O’zbek adabiyoti namunalari arab tilida” – T.2014
5. The works which were plan in independence period: professor Shomusarov.Sh. is writing the textbook “O’rta asr arab nashrida namunalar”
6. Orifxojayev.N is writing the textbook for lyceum

The samples of the articles which were published in 2014-2016 by Arab philology department:


1. Shomusarov.Sh.G’. “Fors ko’fazi adabiotlari”, O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Buguni va ertagasi”, scientific collection №7. 2016
2. Shomusarov.Sh.G’. “Билингвизм и его влияние на когнитивные процессы”, the materials of Republic scientific coference. Namangan 2016
3. Orifxo’jayev.N.M. “Ikkilangan fe’llardan yasalgan otlarning siniq ko’plik shakli” , O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Bugungi va ertasi”; scientific collection №7 2016
4. Usmonova.N. “Fuad N’emat va Xabib Mug’niyaning asarlaridagi ism turkumining talqilini”, O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Buguni va ertasi”; scientific collection №7.2016
5. Usmaniova.N “Ayol va zamon”, creative work of G’ada as-Saman. 2016
6. Begamatova.B “Араб луғатшунослик мактаблари”, monograph, Sharq lug’atshunosligi, 2016
7. Zaynutdinova.Sh. “Lafziy izofaning o’ziga xos jihatlari”, O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Buguni va ertasi; scientific collection №7 2016
8. Qosimova.S. “Arab gramatikasiga oid terminlar tahlili”, monograph, Sharq lug’atshunosligi 2016
9. Qosimova.S. “An’anaviy arab gramatikasi va evropa yonalishida amalga oshirilgan tadqiqotlar” Sharqshunoslig, scientific magazine 2016
10. Rustamov.A. “Shart ergash qo’sham gapta shart yuklamalarining xusisiyatlari va ularning bir-biri farqli tomonlari”, O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Buguni va ertasi”. Scientific collection №7 2016
11. Umarova.N. «Персидские заимствования в арабском литературном языке», O’zbek sharqshunosligi: Buguni va ertasi”; scientific collection №7 2016

Scientific fields of the Department

Arabic language study:

1. Modern Arab syntax
2. Classical Arab syntax
3. Lexicography
4. Phraseology

Literary study 

1. The old Arab literature
2. Middle age Arab literature
3. Verbal creation of Arab nation



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