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Department of South and Southeast Asian languages

Scientific degree and title: Doctor of philology, Associate Professor
Post: Head of the chair
Reception hour: everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99894 644 30 37
E-mail: ulfatmuhib8@mail.ru

Historically, interest in India and its study in Central Asia are rooted in the distant past. Indology as a science in Uzbekistan has existed for more than 70 years. A coeval of independent India, the Department of Indian Philology was founded in 1947. During its existence, the Indian branch has trained more than 1000 specialists. Not only envoys from other CIS countries studied here, but also envoys from foreign countries like Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Monogolia, Cuba and Vietnam.

In this regard, programs for the exchange of specialists were successfully implemented, according to which over the past period, famous scientists from India, such as J. Sarkar, Kamar Rais, B.N. Tiwari, H.A., worked at the department. Farukh, K.U. Hashimi, Muhammad Amin.

In Tashkent, there is school number 24 named after Lal Bahadur Shastri (Bust of M. Gandhi was established in 1974), where Hindi is taught as a foreign language. There is an academic lyceum at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, where Hindi is taught. Hindi as a foreign language is also taught at the University of World Languages.

At the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, much is being done in the field of practical and scientific study of the Hindi language, literature of the peoples of India, history, philosophy, economics and foreign policy of India: from individual methodological developments to solid textbooks, manuals, textbooks, and a dictionary, both for special schools and and for higher education institutions (5 textbooks for schools and lyceums, about 15 for higher education institutions), as well as from individual articles and serious monographic studies (about 30 monographs and thousands of articles on India), three Hindi-Uzbek dictionary were published .

In order to expand the linguistic circle of the department (future teaching of the languages of Bengali, Punjabi, Nepali, Indonesian, Malay and Vietnamese) in 1994, the Department of Indian Philology was renamed as “Department of Languages of South Asia” and in September 2019 the department will continue its activities under the name “ Department of Languages of South and Southeast Asia”.

The department has prepared more than 50 candidates and doctors of science in linguistics, literary criticism, history and philosophy of India, who worked and work in various institutions of Uzbekistan.

In 2006, the Mahatma Gandhi Center for Indology was founded by the former head of the department to improve indo-science in Uzbekistan at the Department of Languages of South Asia. Professor Azad Shamatov, where scientific conferences, conferences, seminars, various meetings on the indology of teachers and students are held together with the Embassy and Cultural Center of India named after L.B Shastri in Uzbekistan.

To date, about 700 students study Hindi in the higher educational institutions, schools and lyceums of Uzbekistan.

In Uzbekistan, translations of the works of writers of India are also being carried out, in particular, Tagore’s five-volume edition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of his birth in 1961 was published, the Uzbek Indologists translated the novels of Premchand, Krishan Chandar, Yashpal, the great epics of India Ramayana and Mahabharata, the tales of Panchatantr, Khitopades, the novel of the Tamil writer Chinnappa Bharati, the presentation of which was in India with the presence of the writer himself. The series “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana” were shown several times on Uzbek television with the translation of the indologist-translator Amir Fayzullaev. He also translated Mahatma Gandhi’s book “My Life” into Uzbek in 2010.

In order to improve the cultural and scientific ties between the universities of India and Uzbekistan in the academic year 2018-2019, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was invited professors from the University. J. Nehru. Also, the 150th anniversary of M. Gandhi in Uzbekistan was widely celebrated, in particular, on August 28, 2019, a seminar was held in Tashkent on the topic: “People’s diplomacy in the philosophical teachings of Mahatma Gandhi”. The event was organized by the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, the Embassy of India in Tashkent and the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (TashGIV). The event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps in Tashkent, the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CMODS), from the Indian side Anil Kumar Shastri, Chairman of the Institute of Management named after Lala Bahadur Shastri in Delhi and the Institute of Management and Technology named after Lala Bahadur Shastri in Bareili, Uttar Pradesh, Trustee of the National Memorial Trust Lala Bahadur Shastri, Dr. Shobhana Radhakrishna, chief specialist of the Gandhi Forum on Ethical Corporate Governance and other scholars of Indology in Uzbekistan.

The friendly relations between Uzbekistan and India gained a new impetus in connection with the official visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miziyoyev to India to Gujarat in January 2019. During this trip, agreements were signed on the development of cooperation in the field of higher education, on the basis of which a Memorandum was signed with Gujarat University, Jamia Millia University and Delhi University, on the basis of which negotiations are currently ongoing between Gujarat University and the State University of Oriental Studies to sign the Memorandum- agreement for a double degree in master’s programs for students of both universities.

Uzbek Indologists worked at the highest state posts and contributed to the development of dimatical relations between Uzbekistan and foreign countries. In particular, F. Teshabaev worked for many years as an ambassador or representative of Uzbekistan in India, England, the United States and the UN. T. Khalmurzaev, Ph.D. in Philology, worked as the consular department of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in India, was the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Many Indologist scholars have been awarded various awards of India and other foreign countries for the merits of the development of Indology in Uzbekistan, as well as diplomacy, in particular, Ph.D., diplomat F. Teshabaev (1988) was awarded the international prize to them. J. Neru of the Republic of India, was awarded a special award “Goodwill Ambassador” by the Governor of the State of Tennis USA, He was an honorary member of the California State Academy of Science and Culture; Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences A.N. Shamatov (2014) and the famous translator Amirulla Fayzullaev (2020) were awarded the State Prize. George Grierson, Doctor of Philology, Professor W.U. Mukhibova (2007) and Candidate of Philological Sciences S.S. Nurmatov (2017) were awarded the Indian Consulate for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Award “For Merits in the Development and Distribution of the Hindi Language”.

Currently, many graduates of the department work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, at the Institute for Strategic Studies, in embassies of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, in Uzbekistan Havo Yollari, at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, at various universities in Uzbekistan and other serious organizations, which continues to be made its contribution to the development of comprehensive relations between India and Uzbekistan.

The main center of indology is the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, which originates from the Central Asian University, and after that, as part of the Tashkent State University since 1947, it fundamentally began its activities at the Oriental Department as a department of Indian philology, which still remains the main and major center of indology not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia.

The history of Indology is very rich both in terms of training highly qualified personnel for the country, and in terms of studying India from all sides.

Speaking about the personnel issue, it should be noted that many East Indology graduates, as comprehensively developed personnel, began to work in the highest state bodies of Uzbekistan, contributing to the development of international relations with foreign countries, first with the USSR, then the independent republic of Uzbekistan. It is worth mentioning the names of the most active, well-known graduates, Orientalist-Indologists, who were engaged precisely in the field of diplomacy.

Teshabaev Fatih, a major indologist, candidate of philosophical sciences, defended his thesis on Drenvein Indian philosophy in Moscow. He was fluent in Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, Persian, English, German and French. He worked as Chairman of the Friendship Society of Uzbekistan. But his main focus was the diplomatic mission, which began as early as 1969, when he worked as a main economist at the Embassy of the USSR in India. After F. Teshabaev worked at various posts in the Presidential Office of Uzbekistan. In 1991 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of independent Uzbekistan. Since 1993, he worked as the ambassador of Uzbekistan to the United States, then as the representative of Uzbekistan at the UN. Since 1997, he worked as the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. He became an honorary member of the California Academy of Science and Culture, and was awarded the Tennisi Governor’s Goodwill Ambassador Award. After diplomatic activity, he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies, worked in the group of the scientific grant “Philosophy of the Peoples of the East”, where he wrote the book “Philosophy of Ancient India”.

Omon Khatamov – Indo-scientist, candidate of historical sciences, defended his thesis in Moscow. He was a major public figure, worked as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and contributed to the development of Indian-Uzbek relations at the diplomatic level in the first decade of the independence period of Uzbekistan.

Suryat Mirkasymov is a major indologist and diplomat. For many years he worked as the ambassador of Uzbekistan to India. For many years he worked (1967-1991) in the Friendship Society for Cultural Relations of Uzbekistan and over the past few years became deputy chairman of the Chair of Friendship Societies. During this period, he worked as a referent (1969-1974) for cultural relations of the Embassy of the USSR in India, then became Vice Consul at the Consulate of the USSR in Calcutta. After he worked as the First Secretary of the Embassy (1982-1985). At the next stage, he continued his dilomatic work becoming the director of the cultural center of the USSR in Delhi. Since 1991, S. Mirkasymov worked as deputy chairman of the national Association for Cultural Relations of Uzbekistan. Since 1993, he was sent as a representative of the diplomatic mission to the Republic of India and then worked for many years as the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India. Currently, S. Mirkasymov works at the University of Oriental Studies, where he teaches the subject of international diplomacy.

Halmirzaev Tashmirza, a prominent Indologist, candidate of philological sciences, defended his thesis in Moscow. For a long time he worked as dean of the Oriental faculty of Tashkent State University, then as head of the department of Indian philology. After he switched to diplomatic work and worked in the consular section of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Karachi, then he worked as the first secretary at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Pakistan. Created the first Urdu-Uzbek dictionary (2003), then the Urdu-Russian dictionary (2013), which were published in the capital of Pakistan Islamabad and received the award of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan “Sitara-e Imtiyaz”.

Tashmukhamedov Muzrobiddin Salakhovich – Indologist, Ph.D. (Hist.), Defended his thesis in Moscow, worked for many years at the USSR Embassy in India. In 2003 he was invited as a professor at the University of Clambus, Ohio USA, in 2005 he became a member of the International Association of Central Eurasian Studies of the United States.

One can recall many other Indologists who contributed to the development of various sectors of independent Uzbekistan.

Science and study are parallel branches of any specialty. Indology also includes both scientific and educational activities. Educational activity is a school, lyceum and higher educational institution, where the foundation for science is laid. From the very first days of its existence, Indology simultaneously develops both academic work and scientific work.

In the field of science, indology is rich in the fact that India is studied comprehensively, namely, scientific work is conducted in language and literature, in history and philosophy, economics and politics. To date, many linguistic research works have been carried out on linguistics and literary criticism in India, both in the Middle Ages and in modern times. Of particular note is the scientific activity of a major indologist-linguist, an expert on many Indian languages, both northern and southern, doctor of philological sciences, professor Azad Nasretdinovich Shamatov. His name as the leading Indologist of Uzbekistan is known not only in India, but also in many indological centers in Asia and Europe. He specializes primarily as a linguist-dialectologist. He was the only specialist who knew all of both Western and Eastern Hindi dialects. In addition, he knew such South Indian languages as Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannar and Orisi. He is the author of many monographic studies and scientific articles. He visited international conferences on Indology many times in London (1999), Moreale (2000), Moscow (2004, 2014), as well as in India, Pakistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Mauritius, Germany, Italy France and many other countries in Asia and Europe. He won research grants from the USA (Fulbright), Germany (DAAD) and India (Anand Kumaraswamy) and developed several studies on linguistics. For many years he worked as the head of the Department of Indian Philology of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. In 2015, the Government of India awarded A.N. Shamatov with the state award for indigenous foreigners George Grirson for his merits in the development of indology in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Studying modern literature of India, specializing in the history of cultural and literary relations of Uzbekistan and India, belongs to one of the leading Indologists of Uzbekistan, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Tamara Alimovna Khodzhaeva. She is the author of about ten monographic studies, more than ten textbooks in Hindi and literature. She is the only Punjabi literature specialist in Uzbekistan. Her research papers are published in Uzbek, Russian, Hindi, English and Punjabi.


В.А. Courses

  • Main Oriental language (Indian, Urdu, Malay, Indonesian wa Vietnam)
  • Phonetic system of the main eastern language
  • Scripture of the main eastern language
  • Literature of the studied country
  • Optional oriental language (Indian, Urdu, Malay, Indonesian wa Vietnam);
  • Lexicology of the main eastern language
  • Language of the Press
  • Clerical production of the main eastern language
  • Basics of scientific research
  • Theoretical grammar
  • Simultaneous translation


  • Theoretical problems of the specialty
  • Text analysis of specialized literature
  • Stylistics of the main eastern language
  • History of the language being studied
  • Ethnography of the peoples of India
  • Language situation and politics in the studied country
  • Analysis of scientific and literary text
  • Linguistic poetics
  • Ethnolinguistics


  • Secondary school No. 24 named after L. B. Shastri
  • Academic College at TSUV


  • Gujarat University
  • University named after J. Nehru
  • University of Delhi
  • Jamia Millia Islamia University
  • Central Institute of Hindi
  • University of Indonesia
  • University of Gunadarma Indonesia
  • Malang University of Islam Indonesia
  • Pendidican University Sultan Idris of Malaysia



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