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05.12.2019, 16:30 PhD Defence 2121

  1. Alimova Kholida Zikrillayevna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – National languages and literature of Asia and Africa on the topic: «Intralinguistic aspects of word formation in Dari language» to obtain the degree of doctor of science (DSс) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 13 at 10:00.
  2. Kaharova Iroda Sidikovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literary criticism, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: «Cognitive – pragmatic analysis of emotional sentences in the English and Uzbek languages» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 13 at 14:00.
  3. Mukhammedova Nilufar Eliboyevna the dissertation prepared on specialty 10.00.04 – National languages and literature of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: «Image of a Woman in Margaret Drabble’s Novels and her Social-Aesthetic Interpretation» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) on Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 14 at 10:00.
  4. Khamidov Khusrav Sadulloyevich the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – National languages and literature of Asia and Africa on the topic: «Comparative analysis of genesis, content and compositional structure of the stories in work «Masnavi-ye Ma’navi» by Jalaluddin Rumi» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 14 at 12:00.
  5. Kadirova Barno Raimovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: «Lingvocultural peculiarities of sign denoting words » to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 14 at 15:00.
  6. Umurzokov Bakhriddin Safarovich the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.10 – Textology and source studies on the topic: «Ali Safi’s scientific-literary heritage and comparative-textual Study of his work «Rashahat ayn al-hayat» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defence will take place: 2019, December 20 at 14:00.
  7. Khasanova Fotimakhon Mamanovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literary criticism, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: «Comparative-typological study of speech genre oath in the English and Uzbek languages» to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, December 20 at 16:00.

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