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2019 declared as the “Year of Active Investments and Social Development”

28.12.2018, 10:45 News 3394

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to Oliy Majlis to declare 2019 “the Year of Active Investments and Social Development” in Uzbekistan.

“World experience shows that those countries that have an active investment policy achieve high success in development,” said the President. He called investments as the drivers of economic growth, contributing to the development of other areas and regions of the country, attracting new technologies and highly qualified specialists. The ultimate goal of investment is to increase the standard of living of every person living in Uzbekistan, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

“The main priorities are the development of the social sphere, the provision of youth with a decent education, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle” he noted. “If we ensure peace and health, we will achieve everything else,” the President stressed. 

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