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Success of the students of TSIOS

14.11.2018, 14:18 News 2720

November 13, 2018, the program for supporting youth start-up initiatives was launched for the third time. Students of Tashkent State University Fayziev Bobomurod and Odilbekov Abrorbek with their startup project “DefitSet” successfully passed a competitive selection processof the program. 32 projects are taking part in the Youth Startup Program. The popular direction of e-commerce supplemented projects in education and agriculture.


The program began with an intensive five-day seminar, where participants will learn the basics of starting a startup using the Lean Startup methodology (“a thrifty startup”). After the educational part, young entrepreneurs will proceed to the practical implementation of the project – they will draw up a “road map” for the development of the project, create a prototype and start conducting test sales.

The project will be guided and advised during the program by trackers (experienced mentors who monitor team development and advise on how to achieve goals).

At each stage of the program, targeted workshops will be organized for participants on marketing, taxation, and legal aspects of doing business. A number of master classes and workshops will be conducted by experts from Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The focus this year will be on providing technical support to participants. To do this, entrepreneurs with extensive experience in the implementation of startups have been attracted as coaches and trackers. The team of experts includes the founders of Paynet, MyTaxi, Robokidz and the director of the acceleration program at Startup Factory.

According to the results of the program, graduate teams will present their projects on Demo Day (Demonstration Day) in order to attract interested organizations and investors. The top five projects on the basis of Demo Day will receive cash in the form of grants for start-up development.

The program is implemented by a joint project of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan and the United Nations Development Program “Improving the business environment in the regions of Uzbekistan” in collaboration with the Ministry of Innovation Development, the Union of Youth and the British Embassy in Uzbekistan.


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