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Trade Union Committee

 Chori aka Khusanov Chori Kodirovich
Scientific degree and title Candidate of Economic Sciences
Post: Chairman of the Trade Union Committee
Reception hour: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (11:00-13:00)
Tel.: 71 233-03-34
E-mail:  chori-17@mail.ru

Goals and objectives of the committee of the trade union of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies

The aim of the  trade union of TSIOS is to protect the professional, labor, socio-economic rights and legitimate interests of trade union members, to promote their living standards and welfare.
The main tasks of the TSIOS trade union are:
– regardless of race, language, religion, nationality, sex, age, social origin and religion, defend the right to work, to free choice of profession, to fair working conditions and protection against unemployment;
– observance of the social and fair system of payment and the labor regime;
– the establishment of social dialogue and social partnership, the organization of collective bargaining, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements, the monitoring of their implementation;
– exercising control over providing employees with guarantees and benefits provided for by labor legislation, collective agreements and agreements;
– compliance with labor laws, laws, rules and regulations on labor and environmental protection;
– creating a base and allocating the necessary funds for the rehabilitation of members of the trade union and their families, the development of physical culture, sports and cultural-mass work;
– takes part in the development of proposals for legislative and other normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, affecting the labor, social, economic and spiritual rights and freedoms of members of the trade union;
– participates in the settlement of collective labor disputes.

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