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Candid dialog with the students

28.10.2017, 18:24 News 3866

In 27th of October, 2017 administration of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies organized the next candid dialog with the young-students. At event took part administration of the University, deans of the faculties, professors-teachers, University’s leaders of Youth Union of Uzbekistan and young students.
Rector of University doctor of philology, professor A.Mannonov informed in details the young students about the works which realize in the University, traditions of the University, famous orintalists which are graduated this University, differs between past education system and modern education conditions, opportunities to study which create to the youth of Uzbekistan by administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also scheduled repairing work in the University. He also asked the students: “Are they satisfied with teaching methodology of professors-teachers?”
At the end of event young students asked questions which they concern and rector responded to them.

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