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20.08.2019, 19:08 PhD Defence 2365

Scientific Council DSc 27.06.2017.Fil.21.01 awarding scientific degrees at the Tashkent state Institute of Oriental studies, Uzbek state University of world languages, National University of Uzbekistan appointed the date of defence provided earlier dissertations:


  1. Aripov Zakir Takhirovich the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.05 – Languages and literature of the peoples of Asia and Africa, on the theme: “Formulation and development of the system Arabic musical terms (on the basis of works Central Asian scientists in X–XV centuries in music studies)” for obtaining the degree of doctor of sciences (DSc) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, аugust 28 at 9:00.
  2. Rustamov Ilkhom Tursunovich the dissertation prepared in the specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies, on the theme: “Pragmatic-cognitive and national-cultural essence of small genre texts (on examples of uzbek and english anecdotes)” for the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, аugust 28 at 13:00.
  3. Nasirdinova Yorkinoy Abdumukhtarovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: “Samples of uzbek folklore and classic literature are in French language (based on Remy Dor‟s translations)” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, аugust 29 at 9:00.
  4. Halimova Firuza Rustamovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: “Lingual-phonetic peculiarities of poetic text and pragmatic problems of translation” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, аugust 29 at 11:00.
  5. Musaev Abdukarim Sulaymanovich the dissertation prepared by specialty 00.04. Languages and literature of peoples of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: “Grammatical development of verbal phraseologizms in the explanatory dictionaries of the russian language” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, аugust 29 at 14:00.
  6. Mustaeva Guldora Salakhiddinovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.04. Languages and literature of peoples of Europe, America and Australia on the topic: “Semantic-cognitive mechanisms of spontaneous figurative comparisons of the French language (on the material of nouns homme, femme, enfant)” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, september 7 at 9:00.
  7. Askarova Shakhnoza Kamolidinovna the dissertation prepared by specialty 10.00.06 – Comparative literature, contrastive linguistics and translation studies on the topic: “Linguistic peculiarities of repetition in English and Uzbek” to obtain the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences. The defense will take place: 2019, september 7 at 11:00.



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