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Literary evening “The great image of ancestors is eternal” dedicated to the heritage of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

14.02.2019, 14:16 News 3012

It has become a good tradition to gather on the birthday of the great poets Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur. On February 14, 2019, a literary evening dedicated to the works of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur “The great image of ancestors is eternal” was held at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. The students and teachers of the Institute became the participants of a truly wonderful holiday dedicated to the works of great Uzbek poets.

A welcoming speech was made by the vice rector for educational work, associate professor Avaz Vakhidov. After that, professor of TSIOS B.Tuhliev made a lecture on the creative heritage of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhamad Bobur and spoke about their humanistic qualities as a state and public figure. Also, the head of the Department of Languages of South Asia, doctor  U.Muhibova made a speech and gave information about the peculiarities of literature of the Baburid epoch, about the role of this dynasty in the development of India and world civilization as a whole.

Inspired by the poems of unsurpassed geniuses, the students were able to recreate the amazing atmosphere of the era of Navoi and Bobur. The entourage of the audience, costumes – everything that surrounded the guests of the holiday, transferred them to the century in which great poets lived and created their immortal works. The program of literary and musical composition included many numbers prepared by students of the Faculty of History and Philosophy
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