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The Department of Economics Theory

 photo_2018-12-18_11-41-50 KAMILOVA MASHKURA
Scientific degree and title: Candidate of economic sciences, docent
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99890 933 30 97

The department “Economic Theory” was established on the basis of the order of the rector of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies of June 1, 2015 No. 01-159.


  1. Tuxliev N.T.                PhD, professor
  2. Ivatov I.                      PhD, professor
  3. Kаmilova M.X.            PhD (in Economics),the chief of department
  4. Xolmatov N.B.            PhD, assistant professor
  5. Imomova N.A.             Senior teacher
  6. Zokirjonova F.Y.         Teacher
  7. Shodiyev M.B.             Teacher

The following disciplines are read at the department:
Scientific and pedagogical ability in the department is 50, 0 percent. There were written more than 20 books by the teachers of the department.

In Bachelor degree:

·         Economic theory

  • Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Money and finance
  • Economy of Uzbekistan
  • Statistics
  • Principles of marketing and management
  • Principles of accounting

In Master’s degree:

  • Modern theories of regional economic growth

The activities of the department, consisting of educational, scientific and methodological, research, educational and organizational and methodological work is aimed at the long term and is carried out on the basis of an approved work plan. The order of the assignments provided for in the plan, as well as other assignments are constantly discussed at the meeting of the department. If necessary, experts from other departments or leading economists from other universities should be invited.The head of the department is PhD, associate professor Kаmilova M.X. The teaching staff has a sufficiently scientific potential. Of the eight teachers, four have a degree (scientific potential – 50.0%). In recent years, teachers of the department have prepared and published more than 20 educational, scientific, methodical and scientific literature.  Effectively using the scientific and methodological potential of the department, in collaboration with other departments, with leading institutions of higher education of the republic, industry research organizations and publishing houses annually held republican scientific and practical conferences. In particular, the following conferences were held:The main lessons are the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis and the impact on the development of national economies. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference, April 25, 2011.Actual issues of modernization and diversification of the national economy: foreign experience, problems and prospects, April 25, 2012.Topical issues of integration of the economy of Uzbekistan into regional markets and the world economic system, April 25, 2013.Scientific, technical and innovative development: global, regional and national trends. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. March 28, 2015.“Theoretical foundations and practical aspects of deepening liberalization in the national economy (the experience of foreign countries and Uzbekistan)”. April 20, 2018.The department has an “Initiative Economist” circle, on the basis of which work is carried out in 2 directions (“Young Economist-Encyclopaedist” and “Economists-Translators”). The purpose of the scientific circle is to study the essence of economic processes, trends and laws, knowledges for the analyses of the development of the national economy of Uzbekistan, understanding of the socio-economic development of the countries of the East, as well as developing students’ skills of independent work, free thinking, analyzing the experience of developed and developing countries of the East. According to the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the organization and conduct of higher educational institutions of the Republican subject Olympiad” the department holds the final stage of the Republican Olympiad on the subject “Economics “. Students of the faculty under the guidance of teachers of the department actively participated in competitions and repeatedly won prizes in such subjects as “Economics”, “Money and Finance”, “Macroeconomics”, “Microeconomics”, “Economy of Uzbekistan”. In the process of preparation and direct participation in the Olympiad, students improve their theoretical knowledges and the skills of scientific analysis.The department conducts scientific, methodological and scientific theoretical seminars. The following issues are discussed: – the state and performance of research work of the teachers of the department; – management and state of research work with students; – effective use of information and computer technology in the teaching of disciplines; – The use of new pedagogical technology methods in the process of  teaching; – comments to scientific articles published in republican scientific journals;- The issues of analyzing the main parameters of the national economy in the context of ensuring stable economic growth. Currently, 3 candidates of the department are working on doctoral theses on the following topics: “The increasing the role of private entrepreneurship in the process of deepening industrialization” (N. Imomova);“Features of the functioning of the market mechanism of imperfect competition” (F.Y. Zakirzhanova);”Institutional aspects of the industrialization of national economy” (N. Kholmatov).The department has established scientific, pedagogical, educational and methodical links with similar departments of other higher educational institutions of the republic, research centers, publishing houses, scientific journals and newspapers. Our partners:Department of “Economic Theory” of the National University of Uzbekistan;Department of Macroeconomics, National University of Uzbekistan;Department of “Economic Theory” of Tashkent State Economic University;Department of “Economic Theory” Tashkent Financial Institute;State Scientific Publishing House “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”;Scientific journal “Economics and Finance”;Training Center “Innovative Education”.In order to improve the teaching and pedagogical, scientific and methodological potential, optimize the composition of specialists, ensure the dynamic activities of the department with the above organizations, cooperation has been established in the following areas: – use the potential of partners in the teaching and educational activities of the department; – increase the experience of young specialists by attracting qualified specialists; – help to the publications of scientific articles of young teachers in scientific journals; – use modern educational technology in the learning process; – rendering methodological assistance in the preparation of a doctoral dissertation; – assistance in the translation of scientific works, etc.






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