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Department of social sciences

Scientific degree and title: Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor
Post: Head of the department
Reception hours: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99893 376 05 89
E-mail: demjam_tdshi1@inbox.ru

The history of the department:

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 2, 1998 No. 241 on the introduction of the course “Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan” The department of “Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan” was established. From the 2018-2019 academic year, the department was renamed “Social Sciences”. The department is headed by Idirov Ulugbek Yusupovich, Doctor of Political Sciences, associate Professor.

The main purpose and task of the department is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the essence of large-scale reforms in the political, economic, social, spiritual and cultural spheres in the formation of a democratic state and civil society in the independent Republic of Uzbekistan and raising their political and legal culture and spirituality.

           Subjects taught at the department:

           Bachelor’s degree:

  1. Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan
  2. Civil society
  3. Theology
  4. Development strategy of Uzbekistan. Civil society.
  5. Valeology
  6. Safety of life activities

         Professors and teachers of the department:

  1. Idirov Ulugbek Yusupovich – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
  2. Sadikova Kamiliya Abidovna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor
  3. Usmanova Guloro Uygunovna – Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor
  4. Saydaliyeva Nigora Zaynitdinovna – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, senior lecturer
  5. Nazarov Alisher Narimanovich – PhD, teacher
  6. Saidov Shavkat Jumaboyevich – Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer
  7. Nazirov Mukhtor Mahmudovich – teacher
  8. Khamutaliyev Ozodbek Payzilayevich – teacher

Co-organizations of the department:

  1. Department of Social Sciences, University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
  2. Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society.
  3. Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment.
  4. Secretariat of the Deputy Hokim of Mirabad district of Tashkent city on youth policy, social development, spiritual and educational work.
  5. Coordinating and Methodological Center for Modern History of Uzbekistan of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

    International cooperation of the department:

  1. Center for Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector Research at the National Research University of the Higher School of Economics (Russia). Publications of professors and teachers of the department

Examples of scientific and methodological work published by the Department of Social Sciences in 2013-2019:

  1. Idirov U.Yu. Political science. Study guide. – T .: TDShI, 2013.
  2. Saydaliyeva N.Z. Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021: A small annotated dictionary in Uzbek, Russian and English. – T., 2019.
  3. Idirov U.Yu. The role of youth innovation in modern democratic development. Monograph. –T., 2019.
  4. Idirov U.Yu., Yusupov O.D. Uzbekistan: 2019 election processes. T., TDSHI, 2019, p.78. A practical guide

   Examples of scientific articles published by the Department of Social Sciences in 2016-2019:

In 2019:

  1. Idirov U.Yu. Raising human capital is the basis of modern development of our society // Tafakkur ziyosi. -2019. -№1. Pages 3-6.
  2. Idirov U.Yu. Implementation of innovative policy on the basis of the principles and mechanisms of modern democracy is the basis of the country’s development // Bulletin of the Military-Technical Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -2019.- №1. Pages 194-198.
  3. Idirov U.Yu. The role of the teachings of our great ancestors in the prevention of delinquency and crime in society // Bulletin of the Military-Technical Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -2019. -№2. Pages 106-112.
  4. Idirov U.Yu. Development of modern innovative foundations of democracy is a leading factor in expanding the opportunities for sovereign political development // Sharqshunoslik. -2019. -№1-2. Pages 112-123
  5. Idirov U.Yu. Japanese political system: peculiarities and prospects of development //Sharqshunoslik. – 2019. Issue 4.
  6. Nazirov M.M. Strategic tasks of modern education and development of youth in the address of the President // Sharq Mashaali. -2019. -№1-2. Pages 84-94.
  7. Saydalieva N.Z., Nazirov M.M. Features of youth policy: experience of Japan and Uzbekistan // Sharqshunoslik. – 2019. Issue 4.

    At international conferences:

  1. Saydalieva N.Z., Nazirov M.M. Development of human capital in our country as a priority of state youth policy // International scientific conference “Global science innovation2019: Central Asia” Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, May 2019. P.188-190.
  2. Idirov U.Yu. Development of modern innovative bases of democracy as a leading factor of enhancing the possibility of sovereign political development // European Science Review, Vienna. (Austria) 2019. №7-8. Р.41-46.

At national conferences:

  1. Saydalieva N.Z., Nazirov M.M. Actual tasks of realization of potential and aspirations of youth in our country // Philosophy and culture of values of the East: Proceedings of the IV Republican scientific-practical conference in the context of Eastern and Western dialogue between civilizations, 2019. Pages 100-105.
  2. Idirov U.Yu. The teachings of our great ancestors are the spiritual basis for the development of innovative thinking of the youth of our country // Eastern philosophy and cultural values: Proceedings of the IV Republican scientific-practical conference in the context of Eastern and Western dialogue between civilizations, 2019. pp. 169-174.
  3. Idirov U. Yu., Rohatalieva N.Sh. The essence of political technology and its methods //World politics and the experience of Uzbekistan in the XXI century: political, legal and social aspects Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference (Tashkent, May 18, 2019) pages 441-446.
  4. Nazirov M.M., Kabirov A. The humanitarian essence of Uzbekistan’s policy on the reconstruction of Afghanistan // World politics and the experience of Uzbekistan in the XXI century: political, legal and social aspects Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference (Tashkent, May 18, 2019) pp. 118-123.
  5. Nazirov M.M. On the Afghan factor in the transformation of Central Asia into a region of sustainable development // Afghanistan at the crossroads of XX and XXI centuries: historical, economic, social, political aspects and issues of its interaction with Central Asian countries: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. June 21, 2019. – T .: TSIOS, 2019. Pages 327-333.
  6. Idirov U.Yu. China: modern trends in the implementation of the idea of “One place, one way” in the context of deepening globalization // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Uzbek-Chinese relations at a new stage: development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” November 16, 2019. Pages 446-448.
  7. Saydalieva N.Z. Uzbekistan and China: Development in historical and cultural relations// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Uzbek-Chinese relations at a new stage: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” November 16, 2019. Pages 296-300.

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