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 Якубжанова Шахноза Бахтиёровна Yakubjanova Shakhnoza Bakhtiyorovna
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Daily (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99871 236 17 14
E-mail:  devonxona@tashgiv.uz

Chancellery Charter

1. According to the charter of the Institute, the chancellery is an independent structural unitwhichsubordinates to the rector of the Institute.2. Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers Operates on the basis of the rules of the Central State Archives under the State Archives and the Tashkent State Archive, orders and instructions of the Institute and other relevant normative and methodological documents of the Republic.

  1. The office registers the documents, the internal and external incoming mail, correspondence, internal orders of the institute and submits them to the responsible staff.
  2. Maintains office and archive documents, in accordance with applicable rules, such as:

– Registration of office documents;- Performance control;- Writing off expired documents;

5. There is a circular stamp with the name of the institute, the registration stamp of the address of physical and juridical entities and the rectangular stamp with the name of the institute for approval of documents in office work.

6.Forms the nomenclature of the Institute together with the head of office, office staff and archive department in coordination with the State Archives of Tashkent city, signs the agreement with the rector and submits it to the departments.


The main functions of the department

  1. Organization of work at the Institute, adherence to and improvement of business discipline, securing confidentiality of documents processing.
  2. Monitoring the quality and timing of execution of documents from higher institutions at the Institute.
  3. Supervise timely execution by employees of the documents submitted for execution.
  4. Ensure the use, registration and storage of seals and stamps in the office.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of management decisions.
  6. Control of correctness of documents in divisions of the institute’s nomenclature, the maintenance of incoming and outgoing registers in the department of the institute
  7. Arrange timely submission of expired documents to archive.
  8. Study and control record keeping at the Institute.
  9. Monitoring of the departments and keeping journals within the Institute’s structure, in a timely and accurate manner.
  10. Receive letters and documents and send a timely reply.
  11. Dissemination of documents related to the dean’s offices and departments, control over their execution.
  12. Take measures to improve the skills of office and archive staff.
  13. The Office is responsible for ensuring that all functions assigned to it by this Regulation and other regulations are fulfilled.
  14. The office has its own stamp. This stamp is kept at the headquarters.

Main duties of the staff·         Honest and conscientious performance of official duties. ·         Observance of labor discipline, internal regulations of the institute, and non-admission of documents without permission of the management. ·         Timely and quality execution of orders and instructions of management.·          Ensure integrity, storage, occupational safety, and technical safety of all documents related to the Institute. ·         Compliance with the requirements of industrial sanitation (the property of the Institute).


Main duties of the head of department:

• the execution and organization of quality control of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12, February 12, 1999 “On measures of Strengthening Executive Discipline”; Decree No. 140 of March 29, 1999 “On Approval of the Regulatory Code of Conduct in Public Authorities and Departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan”; “Approval of instructions on organization of office work and control over execution of documents in the Ministry” dated February 18, 2015 № 58; • organization of appropriateand timely registration and submission to the executors of the documents received from the OliyMajlis, Presidential Administration, Cabinet of Ministers and other ministries, agencies and organizations;• Ensuring proper documentation of the institute’s output;• Delivery of incoming documents (JFC-JOB FLOW CONTROL) to an executor via an automated program;• Documentation of management activities, sending letters and drawing up internal documents;• Control over the execution of documents;• Responsible for timely execution of documents in accordance with rector’s instructions;Checking that the documents sent by the rector are recorded properly;• Registration of disposition forms of the Institute;• Collaborate with departments to develop procedures for processing and documentation, and develop appropriate measures;• Development of the Institute’s nomenclature in coordination with the State Archives of Tashkent city, in cooperation with the rector and signing in the departments of the Institute together with the staff of the Office and Archives;

• To improve their skills and experience in the work process and to provide new areas of work;• Providing information to the rector of the Institute on all work done in the office;• Registration of written appeals from individuals and legal entities to the Office of the Office, promptly informing the management, and their acceptance by the management of the Ministry, and the provision of appropriate answers in accordance with the law;• Taking measures to improve the skills of department staff;• Provide with the skills to enhance work experience and to introduce new areas of work;• Copy executed documents into folders;• Prepare and submit documents to the departmental archives in a timely manner;

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