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The Faculty of History and Philosophy

Acadamic degree and title:
Post: Dean of the faculty
Reception hour: Every working days (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99871 2526581

There are five departments in the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. They are:


1) Department of “History and Contemporary Issues of Eastern Countries”

2) Department of “History and Source Studies of Central Asian Peoples”

3) Department of “Oriental Philosophy and Culture”

4) Department of “Western European Languages”

5) Department of “Social sciences”


In this faculty there are 64, including 9 professors, 12 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of science and 27 senior lecturers and teachers in the 2018-2019 academic years.

At the Faculty of History and Philosophy, bachelors and master’s degrees are trained in the following directions and specialties:

Bachelor degree

5120300 – History (on Eastern countries and regions);

5120300 – History (on Central Asian states);

5120800 – Eastern philosophy and culture.


Master’s Degree

5A120302 – History (fields and countries);

5A120304 – Historiography, source studies and historical research methods (on the history of Central Asian peoples);

5A120801 – Eastern philosophy and culture.


graf2Nowadays there are following clubs under the faculty departments and organization of “the Youth Union”:

  • “Young historian-orientalists”
  • “Young Lawyers”
  • “Young historians”
  • “Young Philosophers”
  • “Munazara” debate club

Under the initiative of the faculty organization of “the Youth Union”, language courses have been organized by talented students on Russian, English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages. More than 200 students are regularly attending these scientific and language courses.

The faculty has innovative and institutional relationships with more than 20 authoritative organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and to be able to comply with the requirements of the modern labor market, and the students will be able to develop pedagogical and production practices in these organizations. These include the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Research under the President of Uzbekistan, political parties, the Oriental Manuscripts Center, the Republican Archives, colleges and lyceums.

As a result of the support of students at the faculty, our talented students have achieved some success. Including:

Dedamirzaev Javohir – the winner of the 3rd place at the Republican Subject Olympiad on History “2016” – “History of Central Asia Peoples» 2017;

Nazarov Davron and Narimonov Javohir – winners of the republican contest “Historian of Uzbekistan” 2017 and others.

In addition, about 30 students of the faculty have been able to improve their knowledge and skills in Japan, China and South Korea by intergovernmental student exchange program.

It is a great pleasure to note that Tohirov Saydulla, a 2nd year student of our faculty, returned from Saudi Arabia with 5 prizes of participants from 70 countries at the Quran Recitation Contest.

Special attention is paid to the teaching staff and students in sports, in cooperation with the Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” regularly participate in basketball, volleyball, kurash, tennis and chess sports, competitions and training. Besides that in the faculty “Dean’s Cup” on football is organized every academic year.




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