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Light memory of the Professor and Literary scholar who was involved in researches on Navoi

19.02.2019, 16:22 News 2709

On 19th of February 2019 at TSIOS was held a memorial evening for an outstanding scholar, literary scholar, Hero of Uzbekistan Suyima Ganiyeva. Teaching staff, students of the institute, her friends and colleagues came to event to recall the merits of an outstanding scholar.

The memory evening was opened by the Rector of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov. Further, the evening program was continued by Academician Tura Mirzaev, Academician Naim Karimov, Prof. K.Sodikov, Professor B.Tukhliev, senior researcher of the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan E.Ochilov and her daughter Gulor Usmanova.


S.Ganiyeva was born in 1932 in Tashkent city in the family of employees. In 1952 she graduated the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Central Asian State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan). In the years 1953-1956 she studied at postgraduate course of Leningrad State University.

She began her career in 1956 as a junior researcher at the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. In the same year she defended her PhD thesis on the work of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi. Later on, she worked as scientific secretary of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, as head of the department at the Tashkent State Conservatory, and professor at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.
During her almost 60-year-old scientific and pedagogical activity, S. Ganiyeva made a series of research on the Uzbek classical literature. During the years of independence, she made a great contribution to the development of literature and art of our country, to a wide coverage of the role of national literature in the world culture.

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In domestic and international scientific publications were published 14 monographs, over 350 scientific and theoretical articles of S. Ganieva. More than 20 educational and methodological manuals created by her were introduced into the educational process of universities of our country.

Thanks to her deep research, she created a unique scientific school. Her scholarly works such as “The Life and Work of Alisher Navoi”, “The Ideas of Humanism in the Works of Alisher Navoi”, “Motives of Nobility in the Ghazeles of Navoi”, “The will of Navoi”, “Autograph of Navoi” became a real scientific discovery in national and foreign literature.

S.Ganiyeva found and published the unique work of Alisher Navoi “Munojat”, which remained for many years unknown to science.
In 2011, she took an active part in preparing for the publication of the 20-volume collection of selected essays by Alisher Navoi. The selfless scientist, was a great talent trained many students. Huge merits of S.Ganiyeva in the development of national science and education of a harmoniously developed generation were worthy appreciated by our state.
She was awarded with the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Order “El-Yurt Hurmati” and “Buyuk Hizmatlari Uchun”, she was awarded the honorary title of Hero of Uzbekistan.

The memory of an outstanding scientist, a caring mentor, a sincere and modest woman, Suyima Ganiyeva will forever remain in our hearts.

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