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Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov elected chairman of UAFS e

19.09.2018, 19:51 News 3054

Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov elected chairman of UAFS
During the Congress of Uzbek – Afghan Friendship Society (UAFS) in Tashkent, the members of UAFS voted for Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov to become the chairman of their organization.
On 18 September 2018, in Tashkent was founded UAFS. Thereupon at the Committee of interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries at the Cabinet Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held the conference on theme “The New Milestone in Uzbek-Afghan Relations”.
At conference took part Dr. Sayed Shahabuddin Timory, Ambassador, Rector of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan Ismatilla Irgashev, main specialist of management of personnel and universities of Uzbekhydroenegy Stock-Company, scholar on Afghanistan, R.Rashidov, the leader of Afghan diaspore R.Rahmoniy and representatives of community.
On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, an international high-level conference on Afghanistan “Peace process. Cooperation in the sphere of security and regional interaction, which was held in Tashkent on March 26-27 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan told: “Now we should look at Afghanistan as a country, which territory is not threat to the world peace and security. Afghanistan is our neighbor and friendly partner. I am sure, that our effort of attraction of Afghanistan to the system of economic and commercial, transport and communication, cultural and humanitarian ties with neighboring countries will make weighty contribution to the cause of strengthening of stability and returning of this country to the peaceful life”.
Undoubtedly, foundation of UAFS will serve to the further strengthening of social, economic and cultural ties between two countries.

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