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The Department of International Cooperation

 Abdusalamova Gulrux Rahmatullaevna Muhsinov Avazmuhammad Nosirovich
Post Head of  the Department of International Cooperation
 Scientific degree and title  –
Receptional timetable: Every day (09:00-13:00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 29 85
E-mail: xab@tashgiv.uz

About the Department of International Cooperation of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies

The main objective of the Department is establishing and further developing relations with high educational institutions, universities, educational centers, scientific-research institutes and governmental founds promoting higher education development of foreign countries.
Currently Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies cooperates with about 50 prestigious universities and organizations. In particular, Japan Universities: Tsukuba, Hosei, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Toyo, Fukuoka Women`s University; Korean Universities: Hanshin, Hankuk, Kangnam, Kyung Hee, Chungbuk, Pukyong, Daegu Haany, educational found Korean Foundation; Chinese University Lanzhou and Hanban Educational Organization; Indian scientific-research Institute Galib; Hanoi State University of Vietnam; Chelyabinsk State University of Russian Federation; Paris University of Oriental Studies and Civilization of France.
Our Institute organizes scientific conferences, seminars, on-line videoconferences, exchanges of teachers` experiences as well as students` exchanges successfully.
The Institute has established relations of cooperation with functioning embassies of foreign countries in Uzbekistan, social organizations in field of education, science and culture. Striking examples of that are cooperation with the UN in Uzbekistan, representative of the Republic of Korea KOICA, Japan representatives JICE, JICA, Educational and Cultural Centre of Egypt, Indian Cultural Centre named after Lal Bahadur Shastri, GEOTHE institute and DAAD of Germany, Turkish organization TIKA and BRITISH COUNCIL of Great Britain.
To popularize the study of oriental languages, literature, history, culture as well as increasing the teaching quality and scientific potential were created some centers with the assistance of International Department:
• Uzbek-Chinese Institute named after Confucius, May 2005.
• Central Asian Scientific-Research Center of Tsukuba University, September 2006.
• Center of Indian Studies named after M. Gandy, April 2007.
• Center of Pakistan, May 2009.
• Center of Vietnamese Language and Culture, November 2012.
• Center of Indonesian Language and Culture, march 2013.
• Center of Korean Studies, April 2013.
Annually about 15 professors from Japan, Egypt, the Republic of Korea, China and other countries are invited to TSIOS, academic lyceums under TSIOS and institute named after Confucius under TSIOS to teach languages, literature and economy of studying country.
At the same time, citizens of Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, Vietnam, Germany, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Ukraine and Russia study in our Institute.
Majority of the Institute professors systematically take part in conferences, symposiums, seminars dedicated to languages, oriental studies, international economic and political relations, history, philosophy, regional study in Asia, Europe and other regions of the world. They acquaint the participants of the conferences with the achievements of Uzbek oriental school and exchange experience.
Besides, according to intergovernmental and inter-institutional agreements, the students with high GPA and active in the social life of the Institute have an opportunity to study in prestigious universities of foreign countries. In 2015 more than 50 bachelors and masters were sent to Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, India, Brunei and Indonesia for internship.
International Department is continuing further strengthening and developing co-operational relations with higher institutions of foreign countries.


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