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Department of History and Culture of Korea

Qahramon aka Imomnazarov Qakhramon Utkurovich
Scientific degree and title Senior teacher
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Everyday (14:00-18:00)
E-mail: Kohihon@mail.ru

The department of  “History and Culture of Korea” was created due to the separation from the department of the “History of Foreign Countries” and “Literature of Foreign Countries” with the number of 10 staff units with a further increase in teaching staff.

The main disciplines of Bachelor and Master’s programs:

History of Korea,

Ancient history of Korea,

The modern history of Korea,


Introduction to the specialty,

The historical geography of Korea,

Country studies,

The scientific heritage of the eastern thinkers,

Philosophy and philosophical currents in Korea,

Literature of Korea,

Analysis of literature on the specialty,

The main oriental language (Korean),

Borrowing of Chinese words in Korean language,

Culture and ethnography,

The Korean Diaspora Abroad,

Introduction to literary criticism,

Innovative and scientific and technical policy in the studied region of the country,

Socio-economic policy in the studied region of the country

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