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Korean Oratory Competition

21.05.2018, 16:04 News 7657

On 19th of May 2018, at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was held Korean oratory competition “I love Korea”. It was organized by the first, second and third year students of Korean studies. This contest was not held during several years but forthcoming opening of the faculty of Korean studies this contest was great occasion. The students of department of the theory and practice of interpretation and Korean studies took active part. Guests of contest was principal of education centre under the embassy of Korean Republic of Korea Mr. Kim bom Su, counselor of the embassy Miss. Kang Min So, director-general of KOICA Mr. SongCon Il and many others.

First year student of Korean studies Babajanova Barno took first place, first year student of Korean studies Kan Nadejda took second place and first year student of the department of the theory and practice of translation Sobirova Aleksandra took third place.

Music program was opened by performance of the students cheerful songs, stirring dance put in merry mood.

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