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For international students





  • Foreign citizens are admitted to study at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (TSUOS) on a paid contract basis, with the exception of cases provided for by international, intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as agreements reached between TSUOS and foreign universities.
  • Foreign citizens with an education corresponding to the general secondary and secondary special are admitted to the bachelor’s program of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.
  • Foreign citizens with a bachelor’s degree are admitted to the magistracy of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.
  • Foreign citizens with an education corresponding to the general secondary and secondary special education are accepted for a language internship at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.
  • Foreign citizens willing to study at TSUOS have to submit all documents directly to the University.



  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of India (Indian language; group studying in Russian language later in the text on rus.)
  • Political Science (Pashto language; group studying in Uzbek later in the text on uzb.)
  • Tourism (directed to activities):
  • Tourism (directed to activities: Turkish language; uzb.)
  • Tourism (directed to activities: Japanese language; rus.)


  • History (in Directions and Countries):
  • History: History of Iran (Persian language; uzb.)
  • History: History of India (Indian language; rus.)
  • History: History of the peoples of Central Asia (Chinese language; uzb.)
  • History: History of the peoples of Central Asia (Arabian language; rus.)
  • Philosophy (Eastern Philosophy and Culture):
  • Philosophy (Eastern Philosophy and Culture: Arabian language; uzb.)
  • Philosophy (Eastern Philosophy and Culture: Turkish language; uzb.)


  • Philology and Language Teaching (by Eastern Languages):
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Arabian (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Arabian (rus.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Persian (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Dari (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Urdu (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Indonesian (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Vietnamese (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Classic oriental languages (Arabian; uzb.)
  • Theory and Practice of Translation (by Eastern Languages):
  • Theory and Practice of Translation: Arabian (uzb.)
  • Theory and Practice of Translation: Dari (uzb.)
  • Journalism: International Journalism:
  • Journalism: International Journalism: Turkish language (uzb.)
  • Journalism: International Journalism: Indian language (uzb.)
  • Escort and Translation Guide (by Eastern Languages):
  • Escort and Translation Guide: Chinese (uzb.)
  • Escort and Translation Guide: Indonesian (uzb.)
  • Textology and Literary Source Studies (by Language):
  • Textology and Literary Source Studies: Arabian (uzb.)
  • Textology and Literary Source Studies: Persian (uzb.)


  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of China (Chinese language; uzb.)
  • Political Science (Chinese language; uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching:
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Chinese (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Chinese (rus.)


  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of Japan (Japanese language; rus.)
  • Political Science (Japanese language; rus.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching:
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Japanese language (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Japanese language (rus.)


  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of the Republic of Korea (Korean language; uzb.)
  • Political Science (Korean language; rus.)
  • History: History of the Republic of Korea (Korean language, uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching:
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Korean language (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Korean language (rus.)


  • Philology and Language Teaching:
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Turkish language (uzb.)
  • Philology and Language Teaching: Turkish language (rus.)


Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies (by Countries and Regions):

  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of CIS countries (group studying in Uzbek language later in the text on )
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of the Middle East (uzb.)
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of the Republic of Korea (uzb.)
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of Japan (uzb.)
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of China (uzb.)
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of the Middle East (group studying in Russian language later in the text on rus.)
  • Economy of Foreign Countries and Country Studies: Economy of China (rus.)

Foreign Economic Activities (Foreign trade activities):

  • Foreign Economic Activities (uzb.)
  • Foreign Economic Activities (rus.)

International Relations and World Politics:

  • International Relations and World Politics (uzb.)
  • International Relations and World Politics (rus.)

Tourism (by Types of Activity):

  • Tourism (uzb.)
  • Tourism (rus.)

History (by Directions and Types of Activity):

  • History (uzb.)
  • History (rus.)
  • History (China; uzb.)
  • History (China; rus.)

Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research (by Countries; uzb.)

Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology (uzb.)

Eastern Philosophy and Culture (uzb.)

Literary Studies (Eastern Languages):

  • Literary Studies: Indian (uzb.)
  • Literary Studies: Persian (rus.)
  • Literary Studies: Dari (uzb.)
  • Literary Studies: Turkish (uzb.)
  • Literary Studies: Japanese (uzb.)
  • Literary Studies: Korean (uzb.)

Linguistics: (by Oriental Languages):

  • Linguistics: Arabian (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Arabian (rus.)
  • Linguistics: Dari (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Urdu (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Persian (rus.)
  • Linguistics: Chinese (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Chinese (rus.)
  • Linguistics: Japanese (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Japanese (rus.)
  • Linguistics: Korean (uzb.)
  • Linguistics: Turkish (uzb.)

Classical Philology (by Types; )

Textology and Literary Source Studies (by Languages; )

Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies (by Oriental Languages):

  • Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies: Arabian language (uzb.)
  • Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies: Turkish language (uzb.)
  • Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies: Chinese language (uzb)

Simultaneous Translation (Based on Oriental Languages).

  • Simultaneous Translation: Arabian language (uzb.)
  • Simultaneous Translation: Turkish language (uzb.)
  • Simultaneous Translation: Chinese language (uzb.)


  1. Submission of documents is implemented from June 20 to July 20, 2020.
  2. Documents are submitted on the online platform of the University website (tsuos.uz).
  3. Scanned version of the passport (in PDF format).
  4. A scanned version of the certificate, diploma indicating the subjects studied and the marks (points) obtained from them with a notarized translation into Russian or Uzbek. For magistracy, a scanned version of a bachelor’s diploma indicating the subjects studied and grades (points) obtained with a notarized translation into Russian or Uzbek (in PDF format).
  5. Photo size 3.5×4.5 (in JPEG format).

The original certificate, diploma, as well as for the master’s program, the original bachelor’s diploma indicating the subjects studied and the marks (points) obtained with a notarized translation into Russian or Uzbek languages and other necessary documents in hard copy are provided to the TSUOS at the beginning of the academic year.


Foreign citizens willing to study at bachelor’s degree of TSUOS are interviewed by the Selection commission members in their chosen field of education. The interview will be held in the first or second half of August in the Russian or Uzbek languages online.

Foreign citizens willing to study at the TSUOS magistracy are interviewed by the Selection committee in their chosen specialty. The interview will be held in the second half of August in Russian or Uzbek languages online.


The International Department provides support to foreign students in obtaining documents for a visa / registration, if necessary, placement in a TSUOS dormitory or in finding another place of residence. The cost of living in a hostel is preferential, as of June 18, 2020 is 300,000 soums per month.


Scholarship for foreign students is not offered.


  • Tuition fee for study at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies by foreign citizens is made in national currency (Uzbek soums). Payment can be made separately for each semester.
  • Foreign students are given discounts of 10 to 25% compared with the previous academic year, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

and Direction

Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree
Tuition fee for the academic year, taking into account the discount 1 semester 2 semester Tuition fee for the academic year, taking into account the discount 1 semester 2 semester

(by languages)

15 000 000 7 500 000 7 500 000 17 000 000 8 500 000 8 500 000
Humanities (History, Philosophy, Journalism) 15 000 000 7 500 000 7 500 000 17 000 000 8 500 000 8 500 000
Foreign economics, Tourism 15 000 000 7 500 000 7 500 000 17 000 000 8 500 000 8 500 000
Political science 15 000 000 7 500 000 7 500 000 17 000 000 8 500 000 8 500 000

Note: 1 USD at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 10151.90 soums as of June 18, 2020.


Foreign citizens willing to study Uzbek, Russian and Oriental languages can enroll in language courses at the Language Center at TSUOS. Duration of courses is 6 and 10 months. At the end of the training period, students of the Language Center receive certificates.

For admission to language courses in the International Department of the University, the following documents should be submitted:

  1. Application for admission to language courses;
  2. A copy of the certificate /diploma indicating the subjects studied and the marks obtained on them (score) with a notarized translation into Russian or Uzbek;
  3. A copy of the national passport;
  4. Resume/CV;
  5. 4 photographs sized 3.5×4.5

Terms of payment for language courses depend on the number of classes.


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