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Professor of TSIOS participated in International conference in Qatar

17.12.2018, 15:21 News 2702

From 11th till 12th of December 2018, in Doha (Qatar) was held V international conference “Translation and the problem of its improvement”. In this conference took part scientists and researchers from more than 20 countries of the world , such as from Uzbekistan, Japan, China, Italy, Great Britain, USA, Egypt and others. At the work of the conference were listened and discussed more than 40 reports.
At the conference made a report scientist-orientalist, professor of the Faculty of oriental philology of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies R.U.Xodjayeva on theme “Translation and the problems of its implementation”. In her report Prof. R.U.Xodjayeva touch upon the questions of translation, problems, skills, rules and set a tasks of translator in translation of literary works and she noted that the translator should correctly understand the spirit, the chain of historical events, traditions and national identity.
Prof. R.U.Xodjayeva also shared experience with the audience of translation of the literary works and texts to which she teaches on special course to the postgraduates at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. The report of the orientalist Prof. R.U.Xodjayeva rose an interest of the audience.

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