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International Council of Scientists Researching the Life and Work of Ogahiy

International Council of Scientists Researching the Life and Work of Ogahiy established at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

Name, Surname Place of work and position  Academic degree Status
1. Qudratulla Sharipovich Omonov Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Doctor of Philology, Professor Council Chairman
2 Gulchehra Shavkatovna Rikhsieva Rector of TSUOS Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Member
3 Muhammad Ali Professor of the Department of Translation Studies, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Member
4 Boqijon To‘khliev Professor of Classical Philology, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
5 Qosimjon Pozilovich Sodiqov Professor of Classical Philology, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
6 Nurboy Abdulhakimovich Jabborov Head of the Tashkent State Department of Uzbek Language and Literature Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
7/ Baydimer Khusayn Professor of Erzurum Ataturk University Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
8. Khoorshid Turg‘unovich Fayziyev Director of the Museum of the History of the Temurids Candidate of Historical Sciences Member
9. Nafas Shodmonov Head of the department of Karshi State University Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
10. Adham Kamolovich Alimbekov Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Associate Professor of the “Literature of the countries of the foreign East” department Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Member
11. Gulnoz Iskandarovna Khalliyeva Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

Scientific project leader

Doctor of Philology, Professor Member
12. Abdulla O‘rozboyev Researcher of Khorezm Mamun Academy Doctor of Philology Member
13. Ulfat Abdurasulov Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Candidate of Historical Sciences Member
14. Nuryog‘di Toshev Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Candidate of Historical Sciences Member
15. Mirzajon Sitamatovich Qalandarov TSUOS

Head of Science Department

Senior Lecturer Member
16 Ergash Ochilov Researcher of the Institute of Uzbek Language Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Candidate of Philological Sciences Member
17. Madina Matyakubova  Khabibullayevna Leading teacher of the Khiva Ogahiy Creative School Candidate of Philological Sciences Member
18. Khilola Nazirova Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan researcher Member



  1. General rules
  2. The International Council of Orientalists studying the heritage of Ogakhiy was created in order to unite into an integral scientific community local and foreign scientists and researchers studying the life and creative heritage, works and manuscripts of the famous representative of Uzbek classical literature Hazrat Ogahiy, who study the written monuments of our ancestors that have come down to us and also in order to coordinate their scientific activities.
  3. The Ogahiy International Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) operates at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (hereinafter referred to as the University). Its activities include instructions given during the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev to the Alley of Writers in Tashkent on May 20, 2020 and by the protocol No. 35 of the meeting held during this visit, as well as by the Resolution No. PP-4680 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 16, 2020 year “On measures to radically improve the training system and increase the scientific potential in the field of oriental studies”, as well as the University Charter and this Charter.
  4. The main tasks of the Ogahiy International Council
  5. To unite scientists and researchers involved in researching the works of Hazrat Ogahiy around a single scientific community and coordinate their work in the study of Ogahiy.
  6. Formation of a thematic base of research on the life and work of Ogahiy, his works, research related to the study of the Khiva Khanate of the 19th century, analysis and interpretation of the writer’s manuscripts.
  7. Formation of an electronic database of published works of the writer and research works on Ogahiy’s works, creation of the “Ogahiy Encyclopedia” in the future.
  8. To organize the next Republican scientific-practical conference on the occasion of Ogahiy’s birthday on December 17, to make Ogahiy’s meetings a tradition, to publish an annual scientific collection dedicated to the life, work and legacy of the writer.
  9. Holding international conferences, seminars and round tables to raise awareness with the world’s leading educational and scientific institutions in the field of oriental studies.
  10. Preparation of a detailed descriptive catalog of manuscripts of Ogahiy’s works in our country and abroad, implementation of scientific projects related to their publication.
  11. Accomplish research projects to develop and publish an annotated dictionary of works by Ogahiy.
  12. Create a complete scientific biography of the author about the life and work of Ogahiy based on historical and literary works created in the 19th century.
  13. Study of the roots of Turkish literature, nurtured and continued by Ogahiy.
  14. To study the processes that took place in the literary environment of Khorezm in the second half of the XIX – early XX century, and the influence of the work of Ogahiy on it, the traditions of continuity that developed in this literary environment.
  15. Implementation of the academic publication of the Devan Ogahiy.
  16. Complete identification, research and publication of copies of Ogahiyi’s translations.
  17. Conduct a scientific study of Ogahiy’s historical works.
  18. Conducting philological research of Ogahiy’s works.
  19. Publication of the multilingual book “Wisdom of Ogahiy”, which summarizes the ideas and wise sayings of the author in the work of Ogahiy.
  20. To create a special website on the Internet, which will post information about the life and work of Ogahiy, his work, and place on this website the scientific works of the council members.
  21. Development of proposals and recommendations for the introduction and implementation of elective disciplines related to the study of the specialties “Classical Philology” and “Literary and Textual Studies” in the master’s program of the University.
  22. Discuss the research work of young teachers and researchers in the field of cognition and facilitate the timely completion of the research work.
  23. Regularly publish materials on the activities of the Council and the achieved scientific results in national and international publications and scientific journals of the university.


III. Structure of the International Council of Scientists Researching the Life and Work of Ogahiy

  1. The Council will include leading orientalists both at home and abroad. Entry and exit from the Board is free. To become a member of the Council, you need to send a list of published scientific papers and a letter of consent to the address ogahiykengash@gmail.com, as well as send a written request to withdraw from the Council to the same email address.
  1. The board is governed on a public basis and consists of a chairman and a secretary from among the board members.
  2. Research conducted by members of the Council is convened and discussed on a quarterly basis.
  3. The Council makes its decisions as a recommendation to the Council of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.

These Regulations

of the Ogahiy International Council

discussed and approved at the constituent

assembly on July 6, 2020


On the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Tashkent State University in the direction of “Life and work of Ogahiy as an example for the education of youth” during the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the “Alley of Writers” on May 20, 2020

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