Department of English language
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Scientific degree and title: | Senior-teacher | |
Post: | Head of the chair | |
Reception hour: | Every working days (14:00-16:00) | |
Phone: | +99890 921 50 40 | |
E-mail: | |
History of department
In 1997, the English Language Department was established and Associate Professor Z. Sattarova began to manage. S.G.Shodieva, M.Sh.Shahidova, T.T.Salimova and V.M.Rakhimova, who made a worthy contribution to the teaching of English, received their Ph.D. Starting from 1981, Ibragim Martynovsky became the head of the department, and one year later Igor Borisovich became a dotatory pedagogical science professor.
At the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies in 1991, based on the Oriental Faculty of the Tashkent State University, the English Language Department was formed. In 1996, a group of teachers at the department moved to the International Economics and Relations faculty. The chair was headed by Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor V.Rakhimova from 1995 to 2009. Since 2009 the department has been headed by K.S.Rakhmonberdieva.
From 2014 to the present time U.Maksumova is the head of the department. In 2015-2016 academic year teachers of the following disciplines: Ph.D., docent S.A.Karimbekov, S.S.Tursunova, A.S.Alimjanova, N.A.Yusupova, D.Sh.Maratova, F.F.Mahmudova, trainees: D.A.Salihova, Z.K.Juraeva in English they have been encouraged to learn the language perfectly.
In the 2016-2017 academic year there were several changes in the structure of the department. In particular, new pedagogues – teachers Irgasheva Z.Sh., Fayzieva A.H., Hudayarova Z.S., Jabborova Z.T., Azodova M.N., Akbarova M.B., Panferova I.V. are doing their work.
Bachelor’s Degree in the Department:
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (Oriental languages);
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (Chinese philology);
5120100 – Philology and language teaching (in classical languages);
5120200 – Translation theory and practice (Oriental languages);
5120300 – History (according to Eastern countries and regions);
5120700 – World Politics (China);
5231000 – Foreign economics and country studies (Chinese People’s Republic).
Master of the department:
5A120101 – Literary criticism (Oriental languages and directions of research);
5A120102 – Linguistics (Oriental languages);
5A120103 – Candlestic Philology (by type);
5A120104 – Mathematics and Literary Criticism;
5A120201 – Comparative linguistics, linguistic translation (Oriental languages);
5A231000 – Foreign economics and country studies (countries and regions).
Subjects taught at the department
Bachelor’s Degree:
English language
Master’s Degree:
English language
Professors and teachers of the department:
Habibullayeva Mahliyo Erkinovna – teacher
Hudayarova Zamira Samadovna – teacher
Fayzieva Adiba Husnutdinovna – teacher
Yergeshova Nazira Turalbayevna – teacher
Abdukahhorova Umida Mahmudovna – teacher
Bahodirova Dildora Azodovna – teacher
Ibratov Bahrom Bayzakovich – teacher
Akbarova Malika Bakhramovna – teacher
Jabborova Zuhra Tursunaliyevna – teacher
Partners of the department
Yunusobod academic lyceum under the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.
Publications of professor-teachers of the department
- Maksumova U.A. Языковая картина Великого шелкового пути //Хитойшуносликнинг долзарб масалалари: филология, фалсафа, тарих, иқтисод ва маданият. – 2016 йил С. 63-71. The language picture of the silk road.
- Maksumova U.A. Преемственность управления подготовкой учителя в усповиях введения двух ступенчатого высшего образования: методологический аспект // Гармонично развитое поколение ‒ условие стабильного развития Республики Узбекистан. 2016. С. 319-321. Continuity in the management of teacher training in the context of the introduction of a two level higher education.
- Maksumova U.A. Виртуал таълим мухитида ўқув жараёнини ташкиллаштириш. // Ёш олимлар Республика илмий амалий конференцияси. 2017 – йил С. 288-289. Organizing educational process in virtual learning environment.
- Maksumova U.A. Метод проекта в организации самостоятельной работы студентов по анг. языку. // Хитойшунослик: кеча ва бугун. 2017 – йил С. 22-25. Method of the project in the organization of self-study of students in English language.
- Khabibullayeva M.E. Шоира Зулфия ижодида она ва фарзанд образларининг акс эттирилиши // Аёл ва замон // 2017. Б. 146 – 149. Expression of mother and son’s heroism in Zulfia’s work.
- Fayziyeva A.K. Relationship between culture and language // Тил ва тафаккур: маданият фалсафасининг долзарб масалалари. 2017 – йил С. 147
- Fayziyeva A.K. Using information technologies in teaching a forein language ⁄⁄ Гармонично развитое поколение ‒ условие стабильного развития Республики Узбекистан. ‒2017-йил С. 435
- Akbarova M.B. Обучение странаведению и формерование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов языковых вузов ⁄⁄ Гармонично развитое поколение ‒ условие стабильного развития Республики Узбекистан ⁄⁄ ‒2016 С. 53-56. Educating and formulating communication competence students of foreign language universities.
- Khudayarova Z.S. Aspects of developing the communicative competence of students ⁄⁄ Young scholars’ Republican Scientific ‒ practical conference ⁄⁄ ‒ 2017 С. 287-289.
- Khudayarova Z.S. Evaluating student achievement in foreign language education. ⁄⁄ Научнопрактический семинар “Конституция Республики Узбекистан: Наука, образование и воспитание молодёжи “ ⁄⁄ 2016 С. 204 – 207.
- Jabborova Z.T. Маънавиятнинг янги куйчиси // Аёл ва замон // 2017 йил Б. 32 – 35. New volunteer of spiritual.
- Jabborova Z.T. Methods of making speech in Foreign languages // Хитойшунослик: кеча ва бугун. 2017 – йил. С. 18-21.
- Yergesheva N T. Politeness category in the context of cross-cultural communication. Horijiy tillarni o’qitishda madaniyatlararo muloqotni shakllantirish masalalari. 62 bet 2017 yil
Scientific direction of the department
Developing Integrative Lessons in English Teaching
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