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Department of western languages

Scientific degree and title: Senior teacher
Post: Head of the Department
Reception hour: Every day (8:30-16:30)
Tel.: +998 71 233 52 24

+998 71 233 52 24

E-mail:  Dilya21@bk.ru

About the department

The history of the department of “Western European languages” can be traced back to 1944, when the faculty of “Oriental studies” was established at the University of CASU. The First teachers of the faculty were N.F. Solodovnikova and N.P. Kush. They were pioneers in the sphere of Oriental studies. In 1977 the department of English languages was established and Doctor Z.B. Sattarova was the head of the it. In 1991 the faculty of Oriental studies became an independent Institute and the department was reformulated to the department of “Western European languages”.

Senior teacher K. Rahmonberdiyeva has been the head of the department since 2010 and more than 10 teachers work under her control.  Being the part of the faculty of “History and philosophy” teachers of the department also deal with faculties like “Korean studies”, “Chinese lstudies” and the faculty of “Economy and politics of foreign countries”.

Subjects taught:

  1. English
  2. German
  3. French

Teachers of the department:

  1. Rahmonberdiyeva K.S – Senior teacher, head of the department
  2. Gulomova Gulnora – Senior teacher
  3. Saidaova Maqsuda –  Senior teacher
  4. Nazarova Ozoda – Senior teacher
  5. Akramhodjayeva Dilfuza – Teacher
  6. Saidakbarova Saodat Pahadjanovna – Teacher
  7. Nasritdinova Mukhlisa Nizametdinova – O‘qituvchi
  8. Xoldarova Fariza –O‘qituvchi Teacher
  9. Shernazarova Hayotxon Ma’rufjonovna – Teacher
  10. Xamrabayeva Shirin – Teacher

Partners of the department:

  1. Olmazor academic lyceum of TSIOS
  2. Yunuzobod academic lyceum of TSIOS

Scientific articles of the teachers:

1 “Allgemeines über Pragmatik und pragmatische Kompetenz” “Translation, information, conversation, political and social bridge” International scientific-practical conference. SamDU 2018


Saidova M.A.
2 “Special role of new teaching methods” «Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” 2018


Saidova M.A.
3 “Translation and translator’s invisibility” “Language and mind” 2017 Nasritdenova M
4 “Translation from English into uzbek” “Language and mind 2017 Nasritdenova M
5 “Translation technics” “Modern linguistics, literature, translation and problems in teaching foreign languages” 2016 Nasritdenova M
6 Teaching English for academic purpose “Translation, information, conversation, political and social bridge” International scientific-practical conference. SamDU 2018 Nasritdenova M


Common characteristics of using slangs in modern English: «Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” 2018 Shernazarova H.
8 Linguistics diversities of colloquialisms and informal language «Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” 2018 Shernazarova H.
9 Developing teaching conversational skills tips and strategies; «Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” 2018 Shernazarova H.
10 The importance of teaching and learning vocabulary English language Scientific debate, problem, solution and success 2017 Shernazarova H.
11 Semantic analysis of English proverbs



«Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” 2015



Saidakbarova S.P.




12 “Mixed ability classes” “Language and mind” 2017 Saidakbarova S.P.
13 “Difficulties in translation of economical terminologies” «Harmoniously developed generation is the requirement of the development of the republic of Uzbekistan” Scientific –research institute of pedagogical science named after T.N. Kari – Niyazi 2018 Saidakbarova S.P.
14 Etymological analysis of English and Uzbek gastronomical idioms. “Tarjima axbarot, muloqat, siyosiy va ijtimoiy ko’prik” мавзусидаги Xalqaro ilmiy –amaliy  anjuman materiallari SamDU 2018 Saidakbarova S.P.
15 “Comparative similarity of word formation in languages” “Translation, information, conversation, political and social bridge” International scientific-practical conference. SamDU 2018 Akramhodjayeva D.
16 Evaluating student achievement in foreign language education “Translation, information, conversation, political and social bridge” International scientific-practical conference. SamDU 2018 Gulyamova  G.

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