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Among the Orientalists, there were well-known academicians, translators, linguists and literary critics, historians and source researchers.

Among them Pirimkul Kadirov, the first swallow of the Oriental faculty, academicians, famous scientists, namely, Ubaydulla Karimov, Azizkhon Kayumov, Burriboy Ahmedov, Rahima Aminova, Shoislom Shamuhamedov, Alibek Rustamov, Muminjon Baratov, Abdulahad Muhammadjonov, Abdukadir Hayitmetov, Asomiddin Urinboyev are the pride of our nation.

These scholars also became the founders of the major Oriental Studies Schools in their field.

The students educated by these scholars develop and improve the Oriental science in our country nowadays.



PIRIMKUL KADIROV – He was born in 1928-2010 in Shahristan district of Tajikistan. He is a 1951 graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Central Asian State University (now UzNU). Orientalist-historian- researcher of Iranian studies, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, People’s writer of Uzbekistan.

Scientific direction – literary criticism, modern Uzbek literature.

Laureate of the Khamza State Prize (1981), People’s Writer of Uzbekistan (1988), Medal “Shuhrat” (1994).

Main scientific works: Dissertation topic:  “The oeuvre of Abdullah Kahhar.” («Творчество Абдуллы Каххара»).—M., 1954.




UBAYDULLA ISROILOVICH KARIMOV – (1920-1997) Born in Tashkent. He is a 1949 graduate of Central Asian State University Eastern faculty. Orientalist-philologist- researcher of Iranian studies, chemist, doctor of philology, academician (1995).

Field of Scientific direction – History of natural sciences, chemistry in the East, medicine, medicine history, and literary literature.

He was awarded the Beruni State Prize (1971), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1974), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1980), and Bobur Gold Medal (1993).

The main scientific works: The title of the dissertation thesis:  “Unknown work of Abu Bakr ar-Razi “Books of the mystery of secrets” in the light of his other works on chemistry”

Doctoral Dissertation: “Kitob as-saydana” (Pharmacognosy) Beruni. Tashkent, 1972.



AZIZXON KAYUMOV – He was born in 1926 in Kokand. He is a 1949 graduate of Central Asian State University (now UzNU) Eastern faculty. Orientalist-philologist- researcher of Iranian studies, doctor of philology, academician.

Scientific direction- Uzbek classic literature, literary source, textual criticism. Author of more than 200 scientific papers.

He is a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, laureate of the Beruniy State Prize and International Al-Bukhari Prize. He was twice awarded with the “Honor sign” and several medals, four times the Honorary Diplomas of the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan and Belarus. He is “The best educator of the world”.

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “To study Mahmur’s creativity” – T., 1956.

Doctoral dissertation theme: “Kokand literary environment”. – T., 1961.



BURIBOY AHMEDOV – (1924-2002), was born in Andijan region. He is a 1953 graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Central Asian State University (now UzNU). Orientalist-historian- Iranian, doctor of historical sciences, academician.

Scientific direction – History of peoples and cultures of Uzbekistan, Central Asian peoples medieval literature, history of Temur and Temurids. He is the author of numerous monographs, popular scientific books and brochures, brochures and scientific and educational articles.

Honored worker of science of Uzbekistan, winner of the Beruni State Prize (1989), member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1995), World War II veteran (1942-1945),  was awarded Friendship (1997) ) and “For merits” (1999) and several medals.

Main scientific works: Dissertation theme: “Gosudarstvo kochevyx uzbekov pri Abu-l-hay hane”. – Leningrad, 1961.

Thesis topic: “Balkh khanates in the XVI – first half of the 18th centuries”- Leningrad, 1974.



RAHIMA AMINOVA – (1925-2001) Born in Kokand. She graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Central Asian State University (now UzNU) in 1949. Orientalist-historian-Arabian, doctor of historical sciences, academician.

Scientific direction – the modern history of Uzbekistan, the issue of history, and agrarian relations. He is the author of 14 monographs, several brochure and articles, and about 80 scientific papers. Participant of several international scientific conferences (Moscow – 1970, San Francisco – 1975, Sweden – 1978, Mexico – 1982, Germany – 985, Cuba, Ethiopia, Algeria, Bulgaria, Democratic Republic of Germany, etc.).

Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1966), Winner of the Beruni State Prize (1968), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1985), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2000), was awarded honorary diplomas of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

                                      The main scientific works: The title of the dissertation thesis: “Popular Movement in the Irrigation Construction of Uzbekistan (1939-1940)”. –  Tashkent, 1953.

                                       Doctoral Dissertation: “The agrarian policy of Soviet power in Uzbekistan “. – Tashkent, 1963.



ALIBEK RUSTAMOV – Born in 1931 in Yangiyul, Tashkent region. He is a 1954 graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Central Asian State University (now UzNU). Orientalist-philologist-Iranian, Doctor of Philology, Professor (1968), academician. Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1995).

Scientific direction – Turkic languages, poetry, Navoiologist. Author of more than 150 scientific papers. Participant of several international conferences on turkology  (Almaty, 1976-1980; Nukus, 1979; Ufa, 1982; Istanbul, 1999).

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “Some grammatical features of Alisher Navoi’s book” Mahbub ul-kulub “. —T., 1959.

Doctoral Dissertation: “Phonetic and Morphological Features of the Alisher Navoi Language”. —T., 1966.



SHOISLOM SHOMUHAMEDOV – (1921-2007) Born in Tashkent. Graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies in Tashkent State University (now National University of Uzbekistan) in 1952. Orientalist-philologist-Iranian, doctor of philology, professor, academician.

Scientific direction – Persian-tadjik classical literature, their translation; issues of modern Iranian literature. He is the author of more than 500 scientific papers.

Participant of the World War II, Member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR (1941-1943), winner of the International Firdavs Prize (1974), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1978), Honorary Diploma of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan (5 times).

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “The work of progressive Persian writer and poet Ehsan Tabari”. —T., 1957

                                         Doctoral Dissertation: “Development of Humanistic Ideas in the Work of Persian-Tajik Classics”. —T., 1970.



MOBINJON BARATOV – (1933-2005) Born in Nurota, Navoi Province. He is a 1956 graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Central Asian State University (now UzNU). Orientalist-historian-Hindu, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, academician.

Scientific direction – the history of philosophy of Eastern nations. He is the author of more than 150 monographs, brochures, scientific and popular articles, textbooks and study guides.

From 1979, he was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. Honored worker of Science of Uzbekistan, winner of Beruni State Prize.

The main scientific works: The title of the dissertation thesis: “The struggle of teachings containing materialistic tendencies against idealism and mysticism in Uzbekistan “. – Tashkent, 1961.

Doktorlik dissertasiya mavzusi: “Ленинизм и развитие обществ. –полит. И филос. Мисли в Индии (1917-1947 гг.)”. –Tashkent, 1972.

                                         Thesis topic: – “Leninizm and development of societies (1917-1947) ”. – Tashkent, 1972.



ABDULAHAD MUHAMMADJONOV was born in 1928 in Tashkent. He is a 1951 graduate of the Faculty of Oriental History at Central Asian State University (now UzNU). Orientalist, historian and archeologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor (1989), academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (2000).

Scientific direction – History of Uzbekistan, history of science and technology, archeology, source studies and toponymics. Author of more than 70 monographs and brochures, more than 500 scientific and methodical works.

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “Sources of Bukhara’s relations with Russia in the 20-50’s of the 19th century”. – Tashkent, 1955.

Doctoral dissertation: “The history of irrigation of the Lower Zarafshan oasis (from ancient times until the beginning of the 20th century)” – Tashkent, 1973.



ABDUQODIR HAYITMETOV – (1926-2006) Born in the village Kolyikum of Dangara district, Ferghana region. He is a 1949 graduate of Central Asian State University (now UzNU), Eastern faculty. Orientalist-philologist-iranian, doctor of philology, professor, academician.

Scientific direction – Persian and Turkish classical literature, Navoiologist. Author of more than 400 scientific papers. Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan (1978), twice winner of the Abu Raykhan Beruni State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1970 and 1992).

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “Literary and critical views of Alisher Navoi”. T., 1955.

Doctoral Dissertation Topic: “Creative Method of Navoi”. –T., 1965




ASOMIDDIN ORINBOYEV – (1929-2009) Born in Tashkent. He is a 1950 graduate of the Central Asian State University (now UzNU), Eastern Faculty. Orientalist-historian-Iranian, doctor of historical sciences, academician.

Scientific direction – historical source, methods of historical research.

Winner of the Abu Raykhan Beruni State Prize (1989). Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (2001). He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Uzbekistan and several medals.

Main scientific works: Candidate’s dissertation theme: “Indian tour of Abdurazzoq Samarkandiy”. – T., 1961 (monograph).

Doctoral Dissertation: ““Letters-photographs of Abdurahman Jami from the Navoi Album as a historical source””. –T., 1984



DILOROM YUSUPOVA – Born 1941 in Tashkent. 1963 graduate of the Eastern Faculty of the Tashkent State University (now UzSU). Orientalist-philologist-Iranian, doctor of historical sciences, academician.

Scientific direction – methods of historical science, source study and historical research; author of more than 200 scientific papers.

The main scientific works:

The title of the dissertation thesis: ” Mujmal-i Fasihi ”as a source on the history and history of the culture of Central Asia and the Middle East “. —T., 1974.

Doctoral Dissertation: “Hondamir’s creative heritage as a source on the history of Central Asian culture of the 15th-16th centuries ” –T., 2001

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