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Scientific Council DSc.28.12. 2017.S21.02

In accordance with the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 28, 2017, was created the Scientific Council DSc.28.12. 2017.S21.02 for the assignment of scientific degrees.

Chair: DSc, prof. Yovkochev Sh.A.
Deputy Chairman: DSc , prof. Jurayev N.K.
Scientific secretary: Ph.D. Sharapov А.А.

The Scientific Council reviews doctoral dissertations in the following specialties:

23.00.04 – International relations, political problems of world and regional development

Scientific Seminar under the Scientific Council:

Scientific Seminar on the specialty  – 23.00.04 – International relations, political problems of world and regional development

Chairman of the Seminar: DSc. Jumaev R.S.
Scientific secretary: PhD. Sayfullaev D.B.


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