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Let your each day be Navruz!

02.04.2019, 16:59 News 2488

Spring for all nations symbolizes awakening to a new life, brings joy of the first warmth. Navruz holiday, which has preserved its life-affirming meaning to our day, fills the hearts of the people with the healing power of renewal and binds peoples with the bonds of friendship. This ancient holiday has gained importance as an integral component of the world cultural heritage. The history, philosophy, beauty of this celebration awaken a special interest among representatives of different nations of the world. Navruz holiday is one of the most beloved holidays in TSIOS.

Opening the festive celebration on the occasion of Navruz, the Rector of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Prof. Abdurahim Mannanov cordially congratulated all those present and wished them good health, well-being, peace and happiness!

The celebration continued with an extensive concert program. The audience saw vocal and dance numbers of creative musical groups of the university.

Unique variety of dishes of Uzbek cuisine and national sweets created a special atmosphere and caused great delight among the participants of the event.

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