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World Arabic Language Day

19.12.2018, 13:14 News 2858

World Arabic language day is a holiday, which is celebrated annually on 18th of December. The holiday was established by the UN Department of Public Information in 2010. Arab langauge is the official language of all Arab countries, as well as one of the official languages of Eritrea, Chad, Somalia and Djibouti. Today, more than 422 million people speak in Arab language and celebration of the Arab language day develops intercultural dialogue.
On 18th of December 2018, by initiation of the teachers and students of the Department of Arabic Philology of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was held cultural and educational event dedicated to the world Arabic language day.

The event was opened by the Head of the Department of Arabic Philology, Prof. Sh.Sh.Shomusarov. In his speech Prof. Sh. Shomusarov told about beauty of Arabic language, countries where Arabic is official language. After that, the talented students of Arabic philology direction of the Faculty of Oriental Philology were awarded by certificates and memorable gifts.
After that, to the audience was introduced a presentation about Arabic countries and were given interesting and necessary information about the Arab countries. Second-year students of the Department of Arabic Philology presented to the audience the play  based on “Shum bola” of A.Qahhor.

During the event, an Arabic language contest was organized with the educational center “Ziyo talim”, the winners of the contest were awarded with gifts. After this, the event continued with beautiful songs and poems.

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