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Sharq mamlakatlari siyosati va xalqaro munosabatlar kafedrasi

 photo_2019-03-27_16-21-13 Madaminova Durdona Iskandarovna
Scientific degree and title: Political science candidate
Posr: Head of the department
Reception hour: Wednesday, Saturday (10:00-12:00)
Tel.: +99899 81734 81
E-mail:  d_madaminova@mail.ru

History of the department

In 1991 the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was founded, at the same time, the Department of “World Politics” began its activity. Initially, it was called the department of “International Relations”, then in 1998 the department was joined by new specialties “Political Science and Law”, and in connection with this the department was renamed the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Law.

In 2008, the department was divided into the departments of “International Relations” and “Political Science”. In 2010, in connection with the opening of the new direction, the two specialties merged and became the chair of the World Policy. Coming 2013, the name of the department was changed to the Department of World Politics and International Relations. In 2020, the department was renamed “Oriental Policy and International Relations”. He is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in World Politics and Political Science. The master’s degree is in International Relations and Foreign Policy.

Description of bachelor specialty:

5210300Political Science as a direction of higher education of the bachelor degree is aimed at inculcating knowledge and necessary skills to students of this direction by reading, translating from one language to another and analyzing texts concerning the specialty; gathering therminology, studying their definition and explanation; the study of socio-political and historical materials, their presentation in the form of abstracts and coursework; acquaintance with the basic literature in a foreign language, teaching aids, modern explanatory dictionaries and their analysis; as well as studying the processes related to foreign policy and international relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan; securing and protecting students’ knowledge and skills regarding the image of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international arena.

Description of master’s degree specialty

5A120701 – International Relations and Foreign Policy is aimed at studying political and social materials in the specialty; drawing up abstracts and course papers on an independently studied topic; familiarization with the basic literature in a foreign language, teaching aids and their analysis; as well as studying the processes related to foreign policy and international relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan; securing and protecting students’ knowledge and skills regarding the image of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the world arena.

Subjects taught at the department:

Bachelor’s degree:

  1. Political Science
  2. Introduction to Oriental studies
  3. Political history of the countries of the region under study
  4. Theory of state and law
  5. Theory of International Relations
  6. International organizations
  7. Diplomatic service, protocol and etiquette
  8. Analysis of socio-political processes in the countries of the region under study
  9. International security
  10. World politics
  11. International law
  12. Political technology and management
  13. Energy diplomacy
  14. Politics and religion
  15. International relations of Eastern countries
  16. Domestic and foreign policy of the countries of the region under study
  17. Geopolitics
  18. Legal basis of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  19. Political analysis
  20. International security issues
  21. Theory and practice of international organizations
  22. Conflictology
  23. Systematic analysis of international relations and foreign policy

Master’s degree:

  1. Methodological aspects of modern international relations
  2. Regional aspects of modern international relations
  3. Features of the political system of the countries of the region under study
  4. International relations of the countries of the studied region
  5. Systematic analysis in international relations
  6. Conflict resolution methods
  7. Interests of Uzbekistan in international systems
  8. Security issues in Eastern countries
  9. Political technologies in international relations
  10. Diplomatic and consular service law
  11. The factor of religion in the countries of the region under study
  12. Energy factor in international relations
  13. Methods of teaching special subjects
  14. The Islamic factor in world politics

Department staff:

  1. Yovqochev Shuxrat Akmalovich – Political science doctor, professor
  2. Jo‘rayev Sayfiddin Axmatovich – Political science doctor, professor
  3. Qosimova Nazokat Anvarovna – Political science doctor, professor
  4. Jumayev Rustam Ziyatovich – Political science doctor, professor
  5. Idirov Ulug‘bek Yusupovich – Political science doctor, professor
  6. Sayfullayev Durbek Baxtiyorovich – DSc., dotsent
  7. Madaminova Durdona Iskandarovna – Political science candidate (PhD)
  8. Ubaydullayeva Saodat Fatxullayevna – Political science candidate (PhD)
  9. Nazarov Alisher Narimanovich – PhD of political science
  10. Nazirov Muxtor Mahmudovich –  PhD of political science
  11. Mustapova Xilola Islamovna – Superior teacher
  12. Biturayev Uktamjon Bazarbayevich – Superior teacher
  13. Bo‘ronov Suhrob Muhammadovich – Teacher

Cooperating organizations with department:

  1. Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies
  2. The Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan / UzLiDeP
  3. The Social Democratic Party Adolat
  4. People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
  5. Social-Democratic Party “Milliy Tiklanish”
  6. “Yuksalish” Nationwide Movement
  7. Development strategy center
  8. International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
  9. World Economy and Diplomacy University
  10. Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel

International cooperation of the department:

  1. Kazan State Federal University

Publications of professors and teachers of the department

  1. Ёвқочев Ш.А. Исламский фактор в политической системе современного Египта. 2008 г
  2. Ёвқочев Ш.А Диний экстремизм ва терроризмга qарши курашнинг маънавий-маърифий асослари 2008 й
  3. Ёвқочев Ш.А .Ислом ва ҳозирги замон 2011 й.
  4. Ёвқочев Ш.А Ислам и политика 2010 й.
  5. Ёвқочев Ш.А Марказий Осиё халқларининг ижтимоий-сиёсий ва диний ҳаракатлари тарихи 2011 й.
  6. Ёвқочев Ш.А Сиёсат ва дин 2011 й
  7. Ёвқочев Ш.А. Жаҳон сиёсатида ислом омили. 2016 й.
  8. Жумаев Р.З., Убайдуллаев У.А., Хужанов Б.Н. Конфликтология асослари. 2000 й.
  9. Жумаев Р.З. Конфликтология. 2018 й.
  10. Жумаев Р.З.,  Ёвқочев Ш.А. Сиёсий технологиялар. 2018 й.
  11. Жўраев С.А. Замонавий халкаро муносабатлар. 2007 й.
  12. Идиров У.Ю. Политология. 2013 й.
  13. Идиров У.Ю. Политология мавзуларини интерфаол ўрганиш. 2010 й.
  14. Жўраев С.A. Халқаро муносабатлар ва халқаро ташкилотлар. 2008 й
  15. Қосимова Н.А. Иностранная помощь.2013 г.
  16. Biturayev U.B. Siyosatshunoslikka kirish. 2017 y.
  17. Сайфуллаев Д. Б. Хорижий давлатлар дипломатик хизмати. 2018 й.
  18. Сайфуллаев Д.Б. Ўзбекистон Республикаси дипломатиясининг шаклланиши ва ривожланиши тарихи (1991-2016). 2018 й.
  19. Madaminova D.I. Jahon siyosati. 2020 y.
  20. Jo‘rayev S.A. Tizimli tahlil asoslari. 2020 y.
  21. Jumayev R.Z., Madaminova D.I., Mustapova X.I., Suyunova B.S. Siyosiy tahlil. 2020 y.

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