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“Overall struggling against human trafficking”

19.12.2017, 18:44 News 3514

The faculty of “Oriental philology” of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies held round table (discussion) on theme “Overall struggling against human trafficking”.

Inspector of internal affairs body of Mirobod district, captain X.Ermatov, dean deputy of spiritual and enlightenment affairs N.Rahmatullayev, professors-teachers and students took part at event.

Round table (discussion) touch upon such a kind of question like: negative consequences of human trafficking and to prevent the students of getting involved to it.

Dean Deputy N.Rahmatullayev and second course student D.Rahmonova gave an interview to “Mahalla” radio of national TV-radio company of Uzbekistan. At the end of event the expert answered to the questions of the student and then was shown the film “Odam savdosi”

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