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Round table

30.01.2018, 15:38 News 7312

In 25th of January, 2018 Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies together with Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan held round on theme “Priorities and the main political directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Middle East, Southern and Southeast Asia countries”.

At discussion took part not only prominent experts, analysts, scientists of the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan [ISIS] and Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, but talented postgraduates and students of this University.

Education, making research, practical research, information-analytical works on problem of realization of home and foreign policy, optimization of studying of social – political and social-economy of the country. It is the “roadmap” of the University, also its cooperation with ISIS.

During the meeting were discussed such a kind of questions like: conditions and perspectives of multi-aspect cooperation with Middle East, Southern and Southeast countries, internal and external factors, which restrain of deepening of cooperation with Uzbekistan and countries of Central Asia regions, activation of using of the policy of “soft power”, the problems of strengthening of competitiveness and diversification of national economy, effective cooperation of increasing of bilateral trading with countries of the region. During the discussion was examined possible the point of tangency of the interests between Uzbekistan and Middle East, Southern and Southeast countries, priority directions of development of trade and economic cooperation, perspectives of realization of transport-communication projects of Uzbekistan with Middle East, Southern and Southeast countries. It was given the analysis of the problem of activation of cooperation in cultural-humanitarian sphere in aim of spreading of the rich historical heritages of Uzbekistan, development of cooperation in sphere of tourism. Participants interested in best practices of Middle East, Southern and Southeast countries of development of economy, transport, medicine and tourism. During the discussion was concluded a treaty of making joint scientific, analytical researches and also the problems of training and job placement of promising young personnel.

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