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Department of turkish philology

 photo_2020-06-21_22-24-54 Kenjayeva Poshshajon Umidovna
Scientific degree and title: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Position: Head of the chair
Reception hours: everyday (8:30-18:00)
Tel.: +99894 6223229
E-mail: umid7780@inbox.ru

History of the department

 The Department of Turkish Philology was first established in 1990 under the name of Altai Studies.  In 1991, the department was renamed the Turkic languages.  In 2020, the department was renamed Turkish Philology.  Uyghur, Turkish, Korean and Japanese languages are taught at the Department of Altai Studies.  Later, these disciplines became independent: Turkish philology, Uyghur studies.

 Today, the Department of Turkish Philology is a leading center in the country that teaches and conducts research in the field of Turkish studies.

 For many years the department was headed by Academician A.Rustamov.  Since 1999, Doctor of Philology, professor Q.Sodiqov, later Doctor of Philology, professor Q.Omonov, Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor  J.Shabanov, Doctor of Philology,  professor Z.Khudoyberganova and Doctor of Philosophy , asssociated professor  U.Lafasov was the head of department. Since 2019, the head of the department is Doctor of Philology, associated professor P. Kenjaeva is working.

 Education at the department is carried out in two directions – bachelor’s and master’s degrees.  At the first stage, bachelors in Turkish Philology (Turkish language and literature) will be trained.  In addition to the Department of Turkish Philology, professors and teachers of the Department of Turkish Philology also teach students of classical Oriental philology, oriental philosophy, history of foreign countries, history of the peoples of Central Asia, world politics and foreign economics.

 Another aspect of the department’s teaching activities is the general linguistics (introduction to linguistics and general linguistics) for philology (Oriental languages) of the university.

 Teaching the Uyghur language is also one of the departments of the department.  Uyghur is taught as an additional Oriental language in Turkish Philology and Chinese Philology.

 Department of undergraduate education:

 5120100-philology and language teaching

 Master’s specialty of the department:

 5A 120102-linguistics

 Subjects are taught at the Bachelor’s degree:

  •  Introduction to Linguistics
  •  Introduction to Oriental Studies (Introduction to Specialization)
  •  Main Oriental Language (Turkish)
  •  Elective subject:  (Turkish) applied phonetics
  •  Turkish literature
  •  Introduction to Turkish philology
  •  Methods of teaching Turkish
  •  General Linguistics
  •  Theoretical grammar of the Turkish language
  •  Translation theory and practice
  •   Special course (Turkish language)
  •  Dramaturgy in Turkish literature
  •  Main Oriental Language (Uyghur)
  •  Uyghur literature
  •  The writing system of the main oriental language
  •  Ottoman Turkish

 Subjects are taught at the Master’s degree:

  •  Theoretical grammar of the specialty
  •  Methodology of linguistic research
  •  Analysis of special literature on the specialty
  •  History of the language being studied
  •  Turkish stylistics
  •  Dialectology of the Turkish language
  •  Principles and methods in the analysis of special literature
  •  Modern prose in Eastern literature

 Professor  teachers of the department:

  1.  Kenjaeva Poshshajon – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
  2.  Omonov Qudratilla – Doctor of Philology, Professor
  3.  Islamjonova Hafiza – Doctor of Philology,  Professor
  4.  Shabanov Jumali – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
  5.  Karazeybek Mustafa – Doctor of History, Associate Professor
  6.  Aydemir Fikri – Doctor of Philology
  7.  Aminova Lola – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
  8.  Imamova Kholida – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
  9.  Er Pinar- teacher
  10.  Gisarov Farhod – teacher
  11.  Aripov Muhammadjon – teacher
  12.  Altinbaev Nuriddin – teacher
  13.  Salimova Zebo – teacher
  14.  Shabanova Sadaf – intern-teacher
  15.  Boltabaeva Hulkar – intern-teacher
  16.  Amirova Nigora – basic doctoral student

 Partner organizations of the department:

  •  Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruniy of  Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan,
  •   Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore
  •   Museum of Literature of  Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan
  •  Academic Lyceum of Foreign Languages under TSUOS

 International cooperation of the department:

  •  Turkey – Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University
  •  Turkey – Ankara Gazi University
  •  Turkey – Marmara University
  •  Turkey – Istanbul University
  •  Turkey – Hajettepe University
  •  Turkey – Ankara University
  •  Turkey – Turkish Language Organization

 Publications of professors and teachers of the department:

  •  X.Islomjonova.  Guide to Yazykovedcheskim disciplines (2010)
  •  L.Aminova.  Turkish translation practice (2010)
  •  J.Shabanov, X.Xamidov.  Turkish Spelling Rules (2010)
  •  V.S.Yelok, P.Kenjaeva.  The Unexpected Guest (2011)
  •  Q.Omonov.  Language situation in the country under study (Turkey) (2013)
  •  Z.Xudoyberganova.  Theoretical issues of specialization (2013)
  •  G.Rixsiyeva, X.Hamidov.  Turkish (2013)
  •  J.Shabanov.  A bouquet from the garden of lovers (2015)
  •  P.Kenjaeva.  Principles of development of XX century Turkish storytelling (2017)
  •  J.Shabanov, N.Altinbaev.  Main Organized Language (Turkish, 2018)
  •  L.Aminova, N.Altinbaev.  Turkish (2018)
  •  P.Kenjaeva.  Turkish literature  ( 2019)
  •  X.Imomova.  Turkish language lexicology (2019)

 Research interests of the department:

  •  Theoretical Problems of Oriental Languages and Linguistics;
  •  History of Turkish languages: issues of origin and restoration of written language;
  •  Issues of formation and historical development of the tradition of writing in the history of Turkish languages, as well as the emergence and growth of written language styles;
  •  Introduction to Ottoman Turkish;
  •  Theoretical issues of linguistics and lingvopoetics.

 Scientific projects of the department:

  •  The role of early and medieval Turkish documents in the history of Uzbek statehood (diplomacy, sphragistics, paleography and text interpretation);
  •  Dictionary of literary terms (Turkish literature);
  •  Folklore of the Great Silk Road (Turkish folklore).

shabaannn shaban


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