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(Uzbek) Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti bilan Toshkent shahar Olmazor tumani xalq ta’limi o’rtasida o’zaro hamkorlik bitimi imzolandi

31.08.2019, 16:49 News 1949

On the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors in improving the quality of higher education specialists” dated July 27, 2017, an agreement on joint cooperation was signed between the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies and the Almazar District Department of Public Education. According to the program, in the school year 2019-2020, 7 schools in the district will be able to teach Oriental languages, including Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Korean and Indian, starting from the 1st grade, joint innovative lessons will be held and additional classes will be organized, there will be an opportunity for students of TSIOS to carry out teaching practice in these schools, together with the teachers of the institute and schools textbooks will be created for teaching in schools, as well as active cooperation on other inter and academic, educational and methodological aspects is planned.

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