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Representatives of TSIOS took part in the literary evening “Call your garden Motherland”

19.12.2018, 13:28 News 2697

On 18th of December 2018, in the conference hall of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan was held a literary evening “Call your garden Motherland”, dedicated to the people’s poet of Uzbekistan and Hero of Uzbekistan Erkin Vakhidov.
In order to implement the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “The measures of further improvement the activities of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan”, which is dated 5th of April 2018, was organized an event, in which attended the writers, poets, literary critics, members of the poet’s family, folk artists, young artists, professors and students of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.

At event was told about the activities of the famous poet and writer, state and public figure, Hero of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Vokhidov, who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek literature and culture, which educates the young generation in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, national and universal values.

Erkin Vohidov was born on 18th of December 1936, in the Oltiarik district of the Fergana region. In 1960, he graduated the philological faculty of Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan). He began his career as a deputy editor at a youth publishing house. Later, he worked fruitefully in the prestigious publishing houses of Uzbekistan as editor, chief editor and editor-in-chief of “Yoshlik” magazine, director of the publishing house named by Gagur Gulom. In the works of Erkin Vokhidov glorified love and devotion to the homeland, people, national values. His unique works has taken a worthy place in the treasury of our literature, which is imbued with the national spirit, nationality and vitality.

For half a century of creative activity, the poet wrote such a works as: “Breath of sunerise”, “My Song to You”, “Mind and Heart”, “My Star”, “Devan of Youth”, “Alive Planets”, “East Coast”, “Nido” , “Sunny Land”, “Rise of the Spirits”, “Kahinur”, “Golden Wall”, “Istanbul Tragedy”, translation of the work of Hafiz Sherozi, Mirzo Bedil, Goethe, Sergey Yesenin. Dozens of his works in different genres have been translated into many languages of the world.
Over the years of independence, the poet’s creative and social activities have been changed. A number of new works glorified the freedom of our Motherland, the free and prosperous life of our people, honor human dignity, books devoted to the preservation of the native language, national values, the heritage of our great ancestors, the dedicated work of our contemporaries, the publication of the articles about the great reforms and changes caused great interest of the people.

As an experienced and creative organizer, he was a mentor to many talented young people. The merits of Erkin Vokhidov to the development of Uzbek literature and art deserved due attention of the people. He was awarded the title of People’s Poet of Uzbekistan and was awarded the Order of Friendship and for great services.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyayev from 7th of December 2016, “On the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the national poet of Uzbekistan Erkin Vakhidov” was widely celebrated all over the country. It was published the works, which were translated into English and Karakalpak. At Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi was held a scientific conference “The Role and Importance of Erkin Vakhidov’s Works in Our Spiritual Life”.

Events and literary evenings were held with the participation of famous scientists and scientists, artists, in universities and schools, professional, secondary general educational institutions, military units, labor collectives and communities. A number of events were held for perpetuation the memory of the great poet. In particular, it was produced a documentary film about the life and work of the national poet of Uzbekistan Erkin Vokhidov, was installed a monument to the poet, in Fergana the creative school named after the great poet began its activity. At event, young writers read the poems of the poet. The songs on the poet’s verses made a great impression on the public.



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