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(Uzbek) TDSHI bitiruvchisi Xitoy tili bo‘yicha o‘tgan 13-xalqaro konferensiyada g‘olib bo‘ldi

10.11.2018, 22:20 News 2724

Jasur Yakubov from Uzbekistan was recognized as the author of the most innovative article at the 13th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese and at the 1st Chinese Forum of Peking University. This conference, which takes place between the sinologist, this time was organized by Peking University.


Jasur Yakubov won the prize with his article on the topic “Morpholexem and the classification of words and their grammatical marks in the Chinese-Uzbek pedagogical dictionary for primary assessment groups”.


Jasur Yakubov is a graduate of TSIOS and is currently studying for doctoral studies at Peking University.


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