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“The Forum of Uzbekistan translators 2017”

28.11.2017, 09:25 News 4200

According to the decree of 13th of February, 2017 of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the order №126-F of 17th of February, 2017 of the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 24th of November, 2017 at Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was hold Republican practical conference “Uzbekistan translators Forum – 2017” which was devoted to the important problems of translation.

The forum was opened by the rector of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies doctor of philology, professor A.Mannonov. At opening ceremony took part all the speakers, guests, experts and were listened and discussed more than 40 speeches. More than 10 Uzbek and foreign doctor of sciences, professors sent own articles for taking part at the conference show the level of this event.

At the conference were discussed the following problems:

  • The history of translation and problems of study;
  • Tendencies of development of translation in second half of XX century;
  • The future of studying of modern translation subject;
  • Stylistic and criticism of translation, also the problems of translation;
  • Cultural linguistic aspects of literary translation;
  • Modern publication and the problem of translation of poems;
  • The problem of recreation of the style of the author;
  • Cultural relations and the problem of translation;
  • Reading and translation of original literature and popularization of translated literature;
  • Reading culture and literary translation ability;
  • Important problems of translation of Uzbek literature into oriental languages and translation of oriental literature into Uzbek language;
  • Importance of development of simultaneous interpretation;
  • Development of scientific technical translation in XXI century;
  • The problem of translation of the texts in journalistic style.

At the end of the conference was told about strengthening cooperation between Universities which are occupied literary translation and problems of translation study, examination of talented young scientists which make research on important problems of the sphere by experts and scientists of translation study, to give opportunity to the youth at the scientific conferences, sharing experience of translators on republican level, closer relations of Uzbek and eastern nations literature, acceleration of familiarization process and was discussed one of important problem of translation of literature into Uzbek and oriental languages.

Collection of the scientific articles of the conference “Uzbekistan translators Forum – 2017” was published before the conference and was given to the participants.




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