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Department of History and Source Studies of the Peoples of Central Asia

Scientific degree and title: Candidate of historical sciences
Post: Head of the Department
Reception hour: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99890 806 11 66

Department’s history

With the establishment of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies in 1991, was formed the Department of History of Peoples of Central Asia . Teaching staff of the department according to the state education standards (SES of Higher Education) of continuing education in Uzbekistan teaches the following directions:

  • 5220200 – History (by countries and regions) – the level of preparation of the bachelor’s degree and the requirements for the content of the required knowledge;
  • 5220200 (now – 5120300) – History (on History of Peoples of Central Asia) – the level of preparation of the bachelor’s degree and the requirements for the content of the required knowledge;
  • 5A220204 (now – 5A120304) – Historical Methods of Historical Studies (on History of Peoples of Central Asia) – the general requirements for the degree of preparation of masters and the content of the required knowledge in the specialty.

The following educational subjects are taught according to these requirements:

  • common history of the peoples of Central Asia and the region;
  • historical geography of statehood;
  • Historical sources and historiography;
  • religious outlook systems;
  • public stages of development;
  • material and spiritual culture;
  • ethnic-social and ethno-cultural relations.

There is also a magistracy education on the subjects related to problems of methodology and methodology of historical science, source studies and historical research.

The heads of the department:
prof. Gh. Ahmadjonov (1991-1998);
prof. M. Iskhakov (1998- till February 2012);
doc. Sh. Saidov (2012-2013);
doc. X. Fayziev (2013-2014);
doc. R. Alimova (2014-2015);
doc. I. Haydarov (2015-2017);
doc. R. Alimova (2017 – …).

Up to 1998, the subject of “History of Uzbekistan” took a leading role in teaching. During 1998-2006 was established the circle of the historical and geographical region of Central Asia, and the subjects were improved. In particular, were introduced training of the history of East Turkestan, Tibetan Altay-Yetisu, Deshti Kipchak.

The department is one of the highest educational institutions of Central Asia in terms of goals and objectives. Students will be taught basic and second-eastern languages as well as one of the major languages in the field of historical sources and historiography.

The direction of the department on Bachelor’s Degree

  • 5120300 – History (on History of Peoples of Central Asia) bachelor’s degree

The direction of the department on Master’s Degree

  • 5A120304 – Historiography, source studies and historical research methods (by countries of Central Asia)


Subjects taught at the department

Bachelor’s Degree:

  1. Introduction to specialty
  2. The scientific heritage of eastern scientists
  3. Ethnodemography
  4. History of peoples of Central Asia
  5. Ethnography, ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the peoples of Central Asia
  6. Historical Geography of Central Asia
  7. Central Asian statehood and urbanization processes
  8. History of Central Asian Culture
  9. The history of socially-political doctrine of the country (region) studies
  10. Reading and interpreting historical sources (Arabic, Persian)
  11. Historical Historiography of Central Asian Peoples
  12. The source studies of the people of Central Asia
  13. Genealogy
  14. Archiv studies
  15. Central Asia and world civilization system

Master’s Degree:

  1. Theoretical issues of specialty
  2. Historical research methods
  3. Practice of manuscripts studies
  4. The Concept of History of the Central Asian Peoples
  5. Genesis and Development of Renaissance Culture in Central Asia
  6. Methods of teaching the subjects of specialization
  7. History’s philosophy
  8. The practice of reading and translating manuscripts

Teaching staff of the department:

  1. Doniyorov Alisher Khudoyberdiyevich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  2. Iskhakov Mirsadik Mirsultanovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  3. Kamoliddin Shamsiddin Sirojiddin Ogli – Doctor of Historical Sciences
  4. Alimova Rakhima Ruskulovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences
  5. Fayziev Khurshid Turgunovich – Candidate of Historical Sciences
  6. Bekmuradov Sandjar Tursunmamatovich – senior teacher
  7. Khudaynazarov Isa Baysoatovich – teacher
  8. Abirov Valisher Elmuradovich – teacher
  9. Lutfullayev Hamidullo – Candidate of Historical Sciences
  10. Khudoyberdiyev Ravshan – teacher

Partners of the department

  1. Abu Raykhan Beruniy Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  2. History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  3. Institute of Art Studies of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  4. State Museum of Timurids History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  5. State Museum of History of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  6. Central State Archives
  7. Museum of Applied Arts
  8. Secondary school № 328

Publications of Teaching staff of the department

  1. Iskhakov M.M. Some commentary on methodology and methodology of historical researchs // Actual issues of historical methodology, history, historical research methods and methodology: materials of VIII Rep. conference. TSIOS, 2016.30 apr. 8th scientific collections. – T., 2016. 4-12 pp.
  2. Doniyorov A.X. On the issue of the formation of ethnography in Uzbekistan // Actual issues of historical sources, history, historical research methods and methodology: materials of VIII Rep. conference. TSIOS, 2016. 30 april. 8th scientific collections. – T., 2016.
  3. Scientific collection “Problems of the ancient and medieval history of Chach” // Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015. 229 p.
  4. Alimova R.R. Jeti-Zhangha – Complex of Kazakh Khanate Laws // Materials of the VIII scientific-theoretical conference on “Historical sources, historiography, historical methods and methods of historical methodology”. 2016. P. 273-278.

Scientific direction of the department

  • Historiography of external relations of Central Asian khanates;
  • History of Economic Relations of Central Asian Republics;
  • Timurid diplomacy;
  • Mining and mining industry history in the Fergana valley (late XIX – beginning of the twentieth century);
  • The history of the economic relations of the early medieval Sogd;
  • Ethno-cultural processes in the Middle Zarafshan oasis (19th century 2nd half and 20th century);
  • History of ulus

Scientific projects of the department

  • “History of peoples of Central Asia”
  • Ethnography, Ethnogenesis and Ethnic History of Peoples of Central Asia
  • “Historical Research Methods”

Photos from the life of the department




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